Chapter 12

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Augustus smirked at the woman who was laying on the floor,scared to face the powerful trio. Estelle grew madder by the second as she was emitting a deadly aura and Leo didn't want to stop it.She had the right to be mad at the woman.

"So you were the wolf in sheep's clothing......"Estelle clenched her blanket sheets,strong enough to rip them apart,but Leo rested his hand on hers,preventing her from going any further.

"Not so brave now are you?" Augustus had wild,furious eyes,his rubies eyes were thirsty for blood.

"Now,explain why you dare delayed our arrival to the engagement party. Miss Lillian Niles."   Leo created a barrier around the room,to prevent outsiders from entering and insiders from leaving.But it was mainly to shut a victim's screams from the world.

"Lilliiannn!!" Estelle thundered. Her emerald eyes were again of dark forestry teal,but it was different,it was threatening,but most of all,it was pained. Estelle had tears of wrath overflowing her eyes,she could barely see what kind of face Lillian was making.She quickly winced her hand and Lillian flew back,her hand burnt with bruises.

"For years....ever since my childhood......WAS YOUR OATH TO MY MOTHER A LIE?!?! ...All those statements,no....all those stories...was just your way of getting my favor wasn't it?!" Leo managed to dodge the flames of her anger and he cooled the one strong blaze that was heading towards Lillian.

"My Lady,I'm sorry but we need her alive to speak." Leo softly spoke as he weakened Estelle's mana.

*I want to beat her up,I want to slap her,I want to end her....but I can't.I'm weak,I can't even seem to hate the person who betrayed me,because she was the only comfort I had in the mansion....Jane....Teacher....* Estelle's tears froze,she turned her head in silence.

"I want to hear it all,after that," She shot a small flame,purposely missing Lillian, " I want you out of my life,Niles." 

"Now then," Augustus stood up and bind Lillian with his chains, "Speak."

There was a fearless silence from Lillian,until Leo placed a spell on her.

"I was assigned to delay the Duke's arrival by any means to the engagement party,it was from a guild..." Lillian traced off as her eyes went blank.

"It seems she placed sealing magic on herself.Either it means she's willing to sacrifice herself for the guild,or she may have.."

"She does.....Lillian has a son." Estelle cut in,still facing the curtain drawn window.

"There's no need for further information.I'm pretty aware of which guild did this.Leo," Augustus commanded.

"Yes,My Lord?"

"Get her son here,then she'll talk." Estelle froze,she wanted to stop Leo,but she couldn't. She couldn't even move well,let alone stop a loyal demi-human. When Leo was gone she spoke to the Duke.

"Is Your Grace going to get information through the poor child?" She asked.

" For someone who's life is on the line,you have the audacity to care for your someone else,and her child to add......If the woman won't talk,then yes." the Duke coldly stated.Estelle gritted her teeth,turning to Augustus.

"The children are not at fault.They are not living through their parents' dead dreams.......The parents' sins must not be atoned by the's the parents' who are at fault.Why must innocent children be forced to restrain their will in order to satisfy the parents?And to satisfy society...." Augustus didn't like where this was going,because she was right.He wished for Leo to hurry up and get this over with.But her eyes,her empty emerald eyes.They drew him in.He stood up and walked to her,then he sat down on the chair.

*Seriously,what's gotten into me?...heh...I have no idea myself...*

"Is that not how a perfect tool is born?" He questioned as he rested his hand on her pale,cold cheek.

"No,that is how a perfect enemy is born,Your Grace." she replied as she slowly closed her eyes,preventing him from staring too deep.He didn't expect an answer,especially one like this.

*If she wasn't in this state I'm sure she would pull away from me and glare at me like she did back then.Those eyes you showed,they fear nothing but death.Estelle Cards..or should I say Estelle's a bother but your enemy is my enemy......maybe.....just maybe....I've been bewitched.....*

Estelle felt the rubbery texture vanish away and a soft,warm hand wiping her tears.She opened her eyes to see the expressionless Duke carefully rubbing away her sorrow.Smiling sadly,his hand parted and she felt his warmth evaporating into the air.

"A perfect enemy can also be shaped....but each clay is different." he stated as he walked back and sat down on the sofa.

"Do you plan to kill me?" She asked.He flinched.Then he answered without facing her.

"I trust Leo.He wouldn't stop me from killing you without a good reason.Plus,your anger is really something.Do you not want to get rid of her?"

"Would I dare? She was the only person who healed me after my "courses".She was the only one who showed me genuine feelings in the rimed household.Sure,I resent her now,but she had her reasons to do so.All she wanted was to protect her son,even if it means to sacrifice herself." Estelle recalled her mother's faint smile as she slowly parted from their last hug.

"Foolish as it seems," Augustus glanced up to the dusty chandelier, " are now known as my fiance to the public,but I presume you know the qualifications of our marriage."

"Of course I am highly....aware....,Your Grace.I....wish to rest for a while,Your Grace..." Estelle spoke as she dozed off and shut her eyes.

*Of course you should. Convenient to bend you with your mana. Still,this too much for a normal person...* Augustus stood up again and gently placed his hand over her forehead.A light shone. Estelle's complexion looked better,Augustus transferred her mana back to her,but he "shaped" some of it and embedded it into her. 

*From head to toe,covered in wounds.Ah....this is...*

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