Chapter 24

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Estelle buried herself in the documents,she wanted to vent her anger through work.She could find something to get the frustration off of her mind.

*I never thought Lady Yvonne would be so shameless.Should I start by tearing her supporters away? No. That would only cause more uproar for the Duke.I can't be swayed by mere words,that's right.Her words hold no power.* 

She switched to another pile of papers,days passed since the incident at the gathering and no word from the Duke.Maybe he let her off this time?Or was he so mad he couldn't bring himself to talk about it? Although House Yvonne protested,she is now the Duchess of the Zade's household.And even a commoner knew not to offend them.A knock came from her door she said the person to come in. Mia was carrying a tray,walking over to Estelle's nightstand.

"Miss,it's not good to exert yourself."Mia advised as she brewed tea.

"How is the renovation going?" Mia simply gave a sigh,pouring the liquid into the cup.

'Funny,I thought air was free.'   *It is now.*

"The workers are very pleased with your choice of flowers,the sculpturer,however,said it might take more than a month to finish the pavilion you requested.The soil implement in the front porch are going smooth.All that's left is for Miss to choose where the seeds will sprout." Mia explained.

"...."She stood up,"Let's go view our hard workers shall we?" 

"After you finish your tea,Miss." Tired,Estelle sat back down she wholeheartedly drank her maid's tea.There was a silence when she took the second sip.

"Is it not to your liking?"

"No...I very much like it.It's like flowers are blooming in my mouth."

'It's like flowers are blooming in my mouth!'

 Mia eyes widened while she studied the figure of a lost messiah,her wavy locks were tied up to a pony tail to avoid any distraction through work,her lips became rosy due to the color of the reddish brown liquid and her emerald eyes showed the greatest relaxation during hard times. Mia was greatly reminded of her friend. 

*It's hard you know,why I'm here taking care of your child who looks just like you.And acts like you.It's frustrating I don't know why you left.It's even more frustrating to see the child you care for knows nothing.But it aches my heart to be reminded of your wrath,your wrath you embedded in your own child...*

"Mia,are you alright?" Mia snapped out of her trance.

"Of course,Miss.I shall make preparations for you to head to the garden."She gave a weak smile.

"There's no need for that,we'll only be going around." Being the sharp person she was,she didn't want to exert Mia like how she did to herself.They arrived at the porch,servants bowed and greeted the Duchess while she smiled back and complimented them.A young boy lost his footing and bumped into her.Fearing the life of his child,an old servant pleaded for mercy.To his surprise the Duchess bent down and picked up the 5 year old boy.

"Are you alright dear?" She laughed as she wiped off dirt off of his face.

*....A-AN-ANGEL!! THE DUCHESS IS AN ANGEL!!* The nearby servants were in shock.

"Yea...I'm a strong knight so of course I am!" the boy boasted.

"Tommy!She's the Duchess!Mind your manners boy!" His father came over and took of his straw hat and bowed.

"My apologies Duchess,I will properly lecture him-"

"He's just a child,there's no need to be rough with him." She replied before he could finish.

"But your dress.."

"And this is just a dress,don't make your child feel what he shouldn't at this age.Plus,he's happy enough to work with his father,aren't you little knight?"She teased the young boy.

"When I grow up I'm gonna become a knight and serve the Duke!Just you wait and see!" 


"Haha..then I look forward to your knighting ceremony." She turned away,"and the dazzling result of this beautiful hard-work." and continued her stroll. 

The servants were left in awe.Many questions came across their minds.Was she doing this to gain the Duke's favor?Was this all an act? Or was it from her heart? 

Estelle felt something waver in her heart when she saw the young boy.His radiant smile which knows nothing of the cruel world.His world and hers were different.She had confinement,he had freedom,she smiled emptily,he smiled warmly.A rising urge she submerged surfaced. She wanted to protect these warm people. 

*Growing up was one of my goals be able to grasp my own value was my driving force.Maybe I should stop trying to gain their favor by doing these and do what I want?...maybe this,His Grace will allow.*

"Miss,would you like to take a look at the pavilion?" Mia asked.

"No,let's take a detour to the kitchen,I'm famished." Mia titled her head.If the Duchess was famished she could bring her lunch to her while the Duchess waited at the front porch.But Estelle wasn't the type to add more work to the working force.

They arrived at the kitchen.Estelle had something she wanted to teach to the kitchen maids.

"Why hello there." She greeted with a smile.

"M-My Lady! What brings you to the kitchen?"Belle,the head maid asked.

"Well,I was thinking of preparing meals with everyone here.Is that alright?"

"My Lady does not need permission from us lowly maids,you are free to do what you please."They all bowed,embracing themselves for Estelle's orders.

Estelle took out a blue mana stone,she handed it over to Belle. 

"Instead of going through the trouble for collecting wood,you can use this stone to set up a fire,it would come in handy,if you wish to activate it simply say "Light".But I'm afraid the fire is mild so you'll need some nearby twigs." She radiantly explained.

*Shit I did it again.This is going to be hard..but it's my fault that they can't start a fire properly.*

"M-my Lady..this maid is thankful for your gift.We have been having troubles due to the current circumstances.I am grateful My Lady thinks this much for us!"Belle showed her deeply gratitude.

"Oh no,I ordered the renovation so it's partially my fault too.Use it wisely Belle.Blue fire lasts longer and burns faster than the previous ones,so it can help with plenty of preparations."

"My gratitude...about your request My Lady...what dishes would you like us to prepare for you?"

"Oh no Belle,it's not for me.It's for them."Estelle pointed to front yard,Belle was in shock.Normally,no noble would come to the kitchen.But their Duchess did and the food was not for her,but for the servants? Whispers flooded the spacious kitchen.

"Alright,quiet down!This is an important request from the Duchess.We're going all out ladies!" Hoping the Duke would approve of her actions,Estelle exited the kitchen.

*The new Duchess...will be served with all our hearts.*

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