Chapter 25

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"I want to see her..." 

The Duchess went on an outing to purchase a dress for the upcoming banquet.She knew she wouldn't enjoy,for it was a banquet arranged for Felix Zeak's debut in high society.He,a common Baron is soon to be promoted to a Count.Things are going to get messy for Estelle.She already had enough in her hands,she had to take care of the mansion's garden,she had to handle the budget of the estate but what troubled her the most was that the Duke was oddly quiet.

*Should he not at least call for me? After the ruckus I created at House Yvonne it's obvious he's mad at me but it's almost been a week since our dinner together.Not that it's convenient.But,I have matters to discuss with him.I have to grab the chance!*

"My Lady are you sure this dress will suffice?" the tailor asked with worried eyes.

"Yes,it does.There's no need to bother,I'm only here for one dress and that's enough."Estelle said as she exited the boutique,unexpected she was met with a frail girl with sleek black hair. The girl bowed her head and apologized for not seeing her walk out.Estelle let it off and went out her way to check on something.


"Yes Miss?"

"Where is the entrance?" she questioned as she untied her hair,releasing her wavy locks to the dancing breeze.Mia hesitantly scanned the area and she nodded,signalling her master to follow her.She handed a cloak to Estelle and wore one for herself.

They reached to the most gruesome part of town.Every corner was filled with marks of unpleasant events.Estelle glanced at a boy lying down on the street with dirty clothes ; a rotting figure holding onto an impossible dignity they could create. She took a mental note that if her plan succeed or was on the path to succession, the slums would be her next target.

'"If there's no hope in this world,then create hope itself."Is what she taught me don't you think it's magnificent?She brought Enchantia as one,while I abandoned my duties...'

*No.Now is not the time to be wavered,I must confirm it today.Only then will I be able to rest at night.*

They arrived at a dark alleyway painted with revolting scents. Mia touched the abyssal wall which slowly shifted into a whirlpool of light.There,the memories of her past flashed back,running through the entrance with an excited face to get away from all the despair,that alone,she adored.

'abandoned my duties...'

*Wrong,I won't abandon my duties...the ideal world I longed for,will be attained by my own hands...I won't run away anymore...I won't be like Teacher.*

When they reached to the other side they were greeted by a whole new dimension,healthy trees waved at them and the tall grass embedded with multicolored flowers danced as the entrance slowly faded away. Mia took off the hood of her brown cloak and breathe in happily.Mia's white hair seemed to extend to the soil.However,Estelle smirked.She was back.


An arrow sped past.

"My,my.Just as I returned you already want a showdown?" Estelle glanced at a promising direction.

"Hm...Jane." Fired up,she wanted to take off her cloak and jump on the orange haired girl.Her blue eyes met with the Duchess's green's pupils. A tense silence was created just by staring at the Guardian.

"You...y-you were gone for too long you idiot!" The female instantly ran into Estelle's embrace with dawdling tears of regret,warmth and love.Estelle slightly chuckled as she too gave a fresh smile of parting regrets.Mia stared at the two friends while absorbing the sunlight of her home.

"You said'd be back...s-soon...!" At this point Estelle's cloak was covered with the tears of her faithful friend.

"But I am?Look at me Jane." She brought the orange haired girl to her face. "I'm fine aren't I? Like I said I'll visit.And here I am!"She smiled,wiping away her beloved friends' tears.It took some time to completely quiet down Jane but as always Estelle managed to do so.

<Ahem don't mind me I am simply shipping my own characters that will not end up together U_U. *Yurification noises*.>

"So..what were you doing all these years? How are you? As I thought it's best if you stay here.I received news that you got married? Just how much are you willing to go create such a world?"

"Shut up,you ask too much.As always,I'm fine..." Estelle brushed off the short hair girl resting on her shoulder. She wore an armor,shaping her curves with leather and topping it with some metal shields.Jane would always carry around her daggers,she was more like an assassin than a knight.More like a sister than a friend.

More like Ingrid...than a Guardian...

"The last one?"

"As far as I have to.The world outside Enchantia is rotten,people are now blinded by wealth,status and power. It's like a curse you know. The soul is trapped in a curse that determines your social standings and gender from the moment you're born..." Estelle reached out her hand to the dazzling sun.

"Which inevitably causes discrimination among people....The value of lives..."

"Should be equal." Jane finished the sentence for her friend.

"But sadly that's not the case in this damn world. This fucking system is a curse placed on people,due to this rotten shit,hearts become tainted,stained and distorted.Creating demons of your own..." She clenched her fist,keeping the sun in her hands. Another hand extended to hers and gently pulled it down. 

"You can't keep piling it to yourself idiot.I'm with you." Jane stood up and threw a her butterfly knife to a nearby tree.Elves,golems,gnomes,fairies and all other creatures came out,gazing at the messiah with guilty and concerning eyes. But the center of them was a white deer. 


The deer slowly shifted to a person with fascinating features,he had blue hair with streaks of white,his amber eyes radiate a warmth through her as she shed a tear.He wore a the purest robe of all.Jane headed over to the decent man and tied his hair.Mia stood next to Jane,then they all bowed at the feet of the royal.

"Enchantia is with you.Welcome home Estelle." He extended his hand as she rushed into his arms.Crying out her heart in her teacher's embrace,she lost track of time.


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