Chapter 6

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A pair of azure eyes stared at the lonely figure of a blonde lady gazing into the evening sky.He sighed, knowing that he'll never be able to fix what was broken.He traveled around the garden of red roses and reached an oak tree. The only place where he could relax and ease out his usual posture. As he was sinking into his thought,he was soundly awaken by the toppling of horses and the lashing of a strong whip. 

He noticed a symbol of a Manticore on the carriage and quickly stood up to the gates. A dainty man with long silver hair came down carrying a letter.

"May I ask what brings the butler of an elegant estate to visit in such hurry? And at nightfall that is." Elios questioned,for various reasons he did not trust the Duke and his ways,moreover when it comes to his sister.Though he no longer has the right to be her brother.

"I apologize for not informing my sudden visit in advance but it is indeed an urgent matter that I must attend this once." Leo glared at Elios as he entered through the front gates without granted permission,deliberately showing Elios his place.

Elios gritted his teeth when Leo entered.His blue eyes reflected the evening sky that was slowly turning darker and darker by each passing second.He who knows should not be mad is now beyond his own wrath.

*It's alright.This is what I wished for. Estelle won't be connected to father anymore,then she can live a lavish life.Even if it means she will resent to my grave.* Elios followed the butler and escorted him to the waiting room.

"Please wait humbly while I call for the Marquess." Elios bowed and left. Although he was the son of a Marquess he had no choice but to bow to a butler,for it was a butler of the Duke and the Duke takes his people seriously.

"Father," Elios greeted as he was welcomed with a vase flying at him.


Elios ,at this point is not surprised by his father's tantrums and constantly breaking furniture. The Marquess's hair was a mess,it's straight golden strands were now scattered all over his forehead,his deep blue eyes were enraged. Elios despised himself for looking like the spitting image of his father. The blonde hair was a symbol of the Cards's heredity for the battle of the title and Elios inherited every single trace of it.

"The Duke has send word to me am I right?" he questioned Elios. Elios just bowed,confirming that Estelle was to be taken first thing in the morning. 

"I have no right to attend to this matter.Handle it yourself." He demanded.

*"no right"? Of course you don't.You are the sole reason that the Late Duchess took her own life.You are the main reason why both you and everyone is suffering from your foolish actions. Torturing your own children because "the love of your life" died,if she was the love of your life then why had an affair with my mother?Why make us suffer? You are merely a person who brought me to this world.I loathe you,father.*

Elios descended back to the waiting room,and to his surprise Estelle was causally chatting and having some light snacks with the butler. Elios burned with rage.He was mad that he,who has been longest by his sister never got to decently spend time with her,let alone have tea and talk ever since "that day". But it was due to his rash actions,he wanted Estelle to be happy,however his proposal to the Marquess made the light in her eyes dimmer.

"Why hello there brother," Estelle turned to curtsied Elios and sat back down, "I believe father took the note.Then I shall be seeing Leo out." Elios was petrified.

"No." Elios protested.

"I'll see him out." he gave Estelle a look which she always detested,but she had no other choice,so she silently obeyed.

Back in the front yard Elios created a barrier that blocks their voices from walls hearing.Leo,the keen butler grinned and provoked.

"A deep bond you both had,but rest assure,My Lady is in good hands."

"'My Lady'?! She has to receive the name of the Zade's,Mister Leo.And I would like to know what you Stelle talked about." Elios calmly suggested.He didn't like addressing her as "Stelle" but for a brief moment he wanted to resurrect the lost name from the one who sealed it.

"I don't see why I must inform Sir Cards about My Lady's private matters.Moreover,it is already decided that she who spoke to me is no other than the Lady I will serve.I would like to make a suggestion." Leo stopped in his tracks and smiled.A smile that could not defined as warm nor cold.An empty smile.

"Please refrain from trying to salvage a sunken ship.But the Duke is willing to support you actions in the near future." Leo elegantly bowed as he walked back to the carriage.

<Translation : I already know that you guys aren't on good terms so stop doing something fruitless.And of course as the brother of the Duke's wife he must show some pity and support you.Also she's now in our care so you don't need to fret over her.>

<A/N: Soo when a noble lady marries into a rank higher than them they no longer have connection to their family so if they turn to their family for help,they're often shamed by society and the family is disgraced. TvT I feel bad for them but this was back in the days.>

Elios just wore a wryly mask...but at this point,it was no longer a mask.He wished how he could go back and treat Estelle warmly,if only he could,he would. But there is no use trying to regret the past. Elios has devoted his life to receiving the title of Marquess Cards,and he cannot back down. So there a wandering soul which promised to tighten the bond when occasions on his side are settled.

<Thank you for reading and here is a picture of what a "Manticore" is.I couldn't find a gracious symbol of it but I hope you guys like it!>

I couldn't find a gracious symbol of it but I hope you guys like it!>

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