Chapter 8

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Estelle was greeted by a line of well-trained maids,loyally showing their respect to her.But she knew those were nothing but mere actions.Leo guided Estelle to her room as Lillian followed.

"This shall be My Lady's room from now on.I will escort you to the dinning hall at lunch."Leo bowed and went back to his business.Estelle looked around,there was nothing to be wary of,at least not the room. She glanced at Lillian who was not comfortable to be the only maid serving her.Moreover,Estelle felt something was not right.

"Lillian,"Estelle sighed, "help me unload my stuff,then you can head to yours." Lillian was ashamed at how her expression affected her master.Even though she is the head maid that will serve the future Duchess it is not uncommon at how new maids are often slandered.

While Lillian was focused on perfecting her master's decors. Estelle focused on her concentration and realized that the Duke,of course, never had the intention to trust her.

*Surveillance this tight?I can barely breathe properly.No less from the Duke.There goes my "freedom".* Each corner of her room was confined  with mana and she knew where it was to be directed either Leo or Augustus.


It was silently deactivated. 

*Well that was easier than expected.* Lillian looked around,it felt slightly different,she could clearly see right through the window and the air wasn't as stuffy as before. Estelle was a bit uneasy that Leo would come and fix it and make it undetectable the second time.

Estelle's curiosity grew each passing day, the maids would stare at her with frightened eyes and if questioned,they would just simply flee from her with an elementary excuse.When she entered the kitchen to request for a private meal in her room all the maids and servants rushed to protect her from entering. And finally with all the awkwardness,the day of the engagement arrived. 

It was a lavish banquet,announcing the empire that a well-constructed man of nobility is getting tied down to a so called "marriage". Estelle dress up in a baby blue gown decorated with deep sea nightingales at the bottom of the lace.A sweetheart neckline followed,ended with her top-cut sleeves that were connected to a scarf-like cape. All stood still at her sight,her golden hair finished with her wavy locks at the end that were tied up into braided bun,sugared with a sparkling green pin.

Ladies greeted her and gentlemen asked for her to dance.But she was restraint by the law that she must dance with her fiance first. Hours passed and the looks of the guests shifted from admiration to pity.Now,to ignorance.

"My,I would've rejected the proposal if I were the Lady."

"But don't you know?The Cards would never reject such a great step.Poor Lady Estelle.It must be painful that her fiance didn't show up on their engagement day."

"My,isn't this bashful for her?Should she not annul it? To add,it's quite obvious she dressed up stupidly,just for a political marriage."

Estelle was furious but did not show any signs to the passing gossips,instead she head up to the center and started drawing attention.

"My dear guests,I deeply apologize for the inconvenience,I'm afraid that August had some last minute matters to attend to.So I sincerely advise my patient guests to be escorted safely back to their humble estates." Estelle announced as she wiped off a counterfeit tear.The nobles had no other choice to agree.

*I'm doomed.I'm doomed.I'm doomed.What if he heard about this?! Of course he will! Not to mention I made up an oblivious excuse I also called him "August" in front of everyone.He won't detach my head will he?*

Estelle stormed into her room and thought of her rash actions.Now the high society will surely conclude that she and the Duke had some connection before the highly rumored proposal.The next morning was going to be the first day she will meet the Duke....and maybe the last.

But little did everyone know that the calm before the storm was closing in.

<A/N : I'm sorry if this chapter is boring but I'm thankful that you read it! :D>

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