Chapter 26

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"FIND!"Crashing the vase into countless pieces,he stared at the scattered flowers and the stained carpet.

"HER! NO MATTER WHAT!" His scarlet eyes pierced through the frightened amethyst stones. 

"Yes,My Lord." The silver butler vanished,leaving his master to his own thoughts.

*Where could she be?!It's already been five hours since she left the mansion.And no word of her outing!....This is going to be troublesome.*

Leo returned with the same face of guilt,he dare not glance at the raging Duke.Thus,he kept his face down and repeated the same old words.

"I'm afraid we still need more time My Lord,the coachman-" 

"Time is of the essence Leo!Tch.So be it." Leo was bewildered to see that the Duke had calmed down,or so he thought.He felt a pressure from Augustus's direction : he didn't like it. 

"I'll find her myself." In a flash he disappeared into thin air,leaving out nothing but confusion.

*Should I be scared or happy? Let's just say I'm happily frightened.* Leo,unable to leave the mansion,awaited for their return.


"You've grown up so much Estelle." said the blue haired leader as he sensed Estelle's mana.His pastel streaks of yellow and blue danced with the wind.

"And Dartius seems to fading away too!" He innocently smiled,paining the two friends.

"I'm doing well Teacher.But I'm afraid that I barely get any news about Theodore..." Estelle glanced away from her teacher.

*Though you saved me I'm unable to repay your debt...*

"Ok! Negativity begone!" He flicked her forehead,Jane slightly chuckled as she leaned beside the tree.She watched their teacher change,a lot. His hair was now longer,his voice was as soft as ever but carried a heavy load of misery.

"I had fun chatting with you Teacher. I think I should head back now,I can't be gone for too long." Estelle nodded as she stood up from her place.She can't forget.She mustn't forget.No matter how much she wished to say it out loud,only pain will follow.

"I see...Well,I too rejoiced with your time here," He winced his hand and a portal opened, "Lately the entrances have been unstable,Theo that bastard really wants to meet his doom I suppose." 

"Well,when it comes to that,us the Guardians will take action.Right blondie?" Jane walked up to Estelle.

"Haha right." She giggled back,the two friends exchanged hugs.

" protect what's left and leave the rest to me..." she whispered in Jane's ear.

"You have my word Estelle.Now go there and kick some ass blondie." She whispered back giving her dear friend a lonely grin. Mia stood beside Estelle,her long hair shifted back into a bun as they put on their hoods.The distant words that reached the Enchantians were agonizing.

"I wish you the best,Enchantia...Lucius..." And the two maidens were swallowed by Ingrid's light.

Estelle and Mia were back,but not exactly.They were now in a different part of town-a more gruesome area of the captial.And the sun was already on it's way to sleep.Mia winced as she felt a sword slashing over her master.Luckily,both had fast reflexes.

"Ohoo look who we have here. A defenseless Lady and her maid.They'll sell well don't you think?" A bunch of rouges emerged from the shadows.

"I'll give you two options." 

"Oh looks like the Lady thinks she can fight."

<Boi -,->

"Die by my hands.Or burn slowly to death." Estelle patted Mia on the back to step back,she obeyed.A part of the banshee was curious of the Messiah's power,but a part of the maid was curious of her master's rage.

"Let's say...NONE!" The men pounced on her,just as her image was in front of them,it faded.

"So you mean both." Perplexed by her speed,her voice was heard,but her figure was nowhere to be seen.

"So you left your petty maid behind? As expected from a rotten noble-" 


Blood sprouted from his back and Estelle was there standing behind the back-lines of the rouges.

"Don't lump me with those trash.Well," She stepped on the bandit's back,"not that you're any different from them." A figure of vengeance,filled with the purest hatred gleamed at them with bright teal eyes and blood on her face.

"Wh-what are you scared o-of?! It's ju-just a woman!" Just as the leader of them finished the sentence,so was he. The blonde didn't hesitate to set him on fire and kicked him to his comrades,who chose both options.

*As I thought I'm more fit to be a Guardian than a Lady.* 

"Miss," Mia came up wiping the blood off of Estelle's face,who let her dagger.

"Seriously,he just had to test you like this huh?" She signed,Estelle slowly gave away a smile.

"Well,at least we got of trash didn't we?" She held Mia's hand thanking her.

*Like mother like daughter.*

They exited the miserable place,letting the fire burn the evidence to ashes that will at least,benefit the soil.

"Did you really had to send them to one of Shadow's Claw branch?" Jane asked as she sharpened her dagger.

"I agree,no matter how skilled she is,she's still young.I wish you consider your choices more Ingrid." An elf added.

"Hahaha,I shall do that later on.Oh and I have a question."He looked down at the eagle on his arm.

"Who's Lucius that Estelle spoke of?" Jane gave a loaded smile.

"Lucius Devon the same individual as Ingrid."

Lucius gave out a blank expression,his face no longer beamed,he now wore a remorseful expression.An ugly silence enveloped the white deer.


Trying his best to search for a certain person he reached a boutique,he doubted that she entered,that was until,he saw her approaching from the opposite direction. Augustus noticed stains on her cloak,fresh stains.

*Bandits? Just how far did she wandered off to?*

"Who did this to you?" Ruining the women's conversation,he towered over the blonde.

"Y-Your Grace?! W-What business do you have in town?" Estelle bowed,hoping that she could avert the subject.

"Searching for a certain person who disappeared since noon to bring back nothing but the carriage and a single dress to the estate.Ring a bell?" Estelle was now pressuring her smile and so was the Duke,but their eyes were not smiling.The moon was on it's way to work with glimmering stars.The Duke sighed.

"We talk at dinner.Leave out any details out and consider yourself in prohibition." Turning around he ordered.The Lady sighed,while the maid was mentally asking for forgiveness.

"What are you doing?" He glanced over his shoulders,the sunset overshadowing his handsome features,she couldn't help but feel conflicted.His broad shoulders coated with the dusk's blessing,his crimson eyes staring deep into her with filled with contrasting worry and fear.And his figure protecting her from the sunset.She was about to respond but was interfered when he grabbed her hand and strolled to the carriage.

*Just what I am feeling?* 

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