The Past is Rather Crazy Isn't It?

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Hawks POV

This kid is crazy- I thought to myself keeping an eye on her from the mirror. She wore her hair in pigtails but it was so brightly colored it made her look like a doll. She was in leather gear though, and had knee guards strapped to her legs.

Dabi seemed to recognize her, but didn't acknowledge anything she said.

He turned sharply onto an old road by the back of the airport and before long we were behind a bar. It was old but in good condition and there were people buzzing around like flies. Before I could even think to lock the doors the girl, Ryleigh had jumped out and was standing with arms crossed. I turned to Dabi and he just shrugged getting out after her. I shed my wings letting the feathers mill about and got out following after the two of them.

There was no hesitation in her steps as the fit trudged forward. Directly towards the front entrance. I noticed a few guys eyeing her and glared there way, keeping a subtle position where I could jump in front of her need be.

She grabbed the door handle and yanked it open, Dabi holding onto it as I walked in beside him.

"Ain't you a little young to be here kid?" A man covered in tattoos said, standing by the door.

"Oh shut it, I know you've signed contracts at my age before and Diamond tipped me off, so hush it you big oaf," she bites out glaring at him and crossing her arms.

"Wait you've seen Diamond around? She was here a while back-

Before I could stop myself I blurted out "And What was she doing here?" Dabi spun around staring at me.

"Looking for a distraction,"

With that he opened the door, Ryleigh hopped right inside tossing a coin at the man, and Dabi stayed close on her heels.

"Be wary, hero, you don't run the world down here," was whispered to me as I pushed through the door and get it shut behind me.

The room I stepped into was neon lights and people waiting to be taken away. I saw Dabi's hair out of the corner of my eye and made my way towards it.

I was out of the neon and into a hall lined with paintings, and reminded me of a normal business like setting. I heard the footsteps before I felt my shoulder being grabbed. The nails dug in and I was dragged into one of the many rooms lining the halls.

"How idiotic can you be?!" Ryleigh's voice piped out staring at me. Dabi's weight still pinning me to the wall.

"You don't mention anything that could reference emotional attachment, Hawks. You're not disguised well enough for anybody sober not to recognize you, so showing that you give two shits about Anielle could sabotage our entire plan here. We need to get into the big guys office, and say it plain and simple. We're looking for Anielle and need anything we can get out of him, okay?"

I watched the young girl for a few moments, he eyes bright and face cold before nodding. "Okay, we go in there as a team. Dabi you're doing the talking because you suck at showing emotions." She says pointedly looking at him and I can't help but snort.

"Hawks is our agent with the heroes. He's our dog and will be treated as such, I'm spy work because that's what I do in reality so the lie will be easy to keep up, got it?"

"Yeah pipsqueak, we've got it," Dabi says looking at her with his head tilted to the side.

"Then let's go,"

Dabi POV

I slid out of the room first, and didn't bother checking over my shoulder that they were behind me. I made my way to the room on the right with a small plaque tacked beside it saying knock twice for business .

I did just that.

"Come in," was called by the gruff voice of a man, and I turned the door handle now just glimpsing over my shoulder before walking inside.

There sat a bald man, who couldn't be described as anything but round. Even his teeth that showed ever so slightly when he smiled were dull and misshapen.

I stood before him taking in the room surrounding me. Though I don't think I was meant to see the ladies undergarments laying one piece on the ground and the other over a chair. I turn my focus back to him as Ryleigh lets the door fall shut behind her.

"What do you want?" He asks. Cutting to the chase I guess.

"We need some info from you, on a specific person," I say keeping my voice bored and neutral.

"Doesn't everybody these days."

I roll my eyes and reach in the pocket of my jacket. Pulling out a wad of cash still wrapped with the banks logo. I hear Ryleigh inhale and see Hawks stiffen out of the corner of my eye but the man seated in front of me only had eyes for one thing in this room now.

"You interested?" I ask lazily flipping through the bills in my hand.

"That depends on the person we're talking about here."

I turn my head back to him, bored "Anielle Cray, otherwise known as Frostbite,"

"What you want to know about Cray?" He asks curiously, still eyeing the money.

"Everything you got on her," I say suspecting he would soon ask how much money we were actually talking about.

But to my surprise he starts laughing. "You think I'm that dense where a wad of cash will get you info on the best Assassin in the underground?"

"Maybe," I say not showing the surprise obviously written on my partners faces.

"Here it's gotta be information, for information," He says chuckling.

"Pipsqueak, get the door," I say nodding to her over my shoulder. The man's eyes widen, as he hears the latches bolt.

"Now, now we don't want trouble and I know you've got a file in that desk with her name on it. So I suggest you get it out before we have ," I say subtly lighting my hand aflame.

The man blinks, shocked while watching me.

"Hey there's no need to threaten anybody here," he says laughing, but the nervousness shows in the shake to his voice.

"I don't see why you'd want information on a dead girl though," His voice is steady at that.

Word Count: 1090

Sorry it's been awhile without an update. Hope y'all like cliffhangers and next chapter should be good so prepare for that.

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