Chapter 1- Bliss?

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"Edward find the will to stop". This line keeps replaying in my head. My father said it to my adoptive brother Edward, if you will, whilst me and my other adoptive brother Emmett ended the life of our then enemy James. I don't recall how Edward stopped, or much else of what occurred previously and after, I was preoccupied ripping James apart and burning him.
Of course thankfully Edward was able to stop sucking the blood out of his girlfriend Bella, being fortunate enough to not kill her and sufficient enough to stop her changing in to one of my family, a vampire.
After seeing Edward be so unhappy alone, almost all of us were grateful to see him with Bella including my beautiful wife and soulmate Alice. My family includes my father Carlisle and mother Esme, Emmett and his wife Rosalie, Edward and his girlfriend Isabella, and myself and Alice. Everyone approved of Edwards choice of mate, mainly due to relief, except me and Rose.
For Rose's reasons I can't explain, as I don't share them, and it would be unfair. However for myself I'm still trying to adjust to humans, having feasted on a constant supply of fresh human blood, this life was new to me. Animal blood smells different and leads to having to feed more frequently, however it is much easier on your conscious.
So everyone besides myself, having to cope with very regular temptation, was enjoying time of bliss with their loved ones. Apart from my beloved Alice, she refused to express her anguish and despair, having discovered her former existence was spent locked up in an insane asylum. That a vampire has taken a fatherly affection towards her, then she had been put at risk and changed in to a vampire to be kept safe.
This had all been revealed when Bella had recovered from being attacked from James as he divulged this tale thinking Bella would surely die.
Alice was still deciding if she would be better to continue to facade of the Cullen's by attending high school pretending to be a seventeen year old, or if she should investigate a past that until recently she never knew existed.
But she would never express her concerns to the rest of the family, afraid she would spoil it for everyone else. I however knew she needed to be able to explore her past to be able to continue with our future, but as all us Cullen's are, she was obsessed with keeping up the appearance of normality and lying to all unsuspecting humans who came into contact with us.
As time continued, the decision was made for my beloved, as she did not confide in anyone, nor express her feeling to anyone except me, the plan continued like clockwork and so she enrolled in school.
Myself Rosalie and Emmett were all too old to act the same age as Edward and Alice and so now my days are empty without her, but also full of doubts and concerns for her.
I detest when she leaves me each morning, when I have to say goodbye, and the best I can do is hope for an uneventful day for her.
However with Bella's birthday fast approaching I'm grateful that Alice has a welcome distraction. What could go wrong with some music, decorations, and some birthday cake? ....

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