Chapter 5-The Assylum Part 2

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In front of us is a gigantic black wolf, but not your everyday wolf. This one is as large as a small car, and is standing right in front of me.
"Alice lock that door NOW!" My wife looks terrified but she does as I say, I crouch ready to protect Alice at all costs, and I mean any cost.
I growl and start circling looking for a weakness I can use again my huge opponent, tensed ready for a fight.
The wolf however appears calm, refusing to move, he's looking me over top to toe and I know now for certain this is not an animal but a ware wolf.
I take a cautionary glance back at the car to check Alice is still in the car, to my horror she has vanished. I return my eyes to the black wolf and he is retreating slowly. He appears to be calm, upset even. He looks in to my eyes and I feel something, that I can't quite understand, frustration or confusion. Then the wolf runs, I quickly check my surroundings to see what has scared off the wolf. On my left 3 fern trees slightly brown on one side, to my right a worn out path surrounded by leaves and stones. And behind my empty car, I only hope Alice is ok, I need to find her. I burst into the decayed building hoping she is there, I begin smelling, sniffing for her scent, I relax slightly once I catch her scent faintly. It's diluted due to the terrible stench the wolf left behind, but it's enough for me to follow.
I continue up a dark corridor and follow her scent left. What I find sickens me.
"Alice, what are you doing in the cage?" Then I see it, there are 10 or so cages all lined up together, this one has scratch marks all over it, Alice's nails fit the scratch perfectly. "This was mine Jasper, someone locked me up in here". I feel sick, who could ever lock someone up in these, if I could cry for her I would, it physically pains me to see that this is how she once lived, but I can't let it show. I need to be strong for her, I need to be there for her, whatever she needs. I bend the door and climb into the cage with her, i do it just in time as she sinks to the ground. I catch her and hold her in my arms. I wait a while and then carefully lift her out of the cage, I can feel her shaking but I can't think of anything to say. What do you say to someone who lived through that? In the end all I can do is stroke her back and whisper I'm sorry, and believe me I am. If I had known then maybe I could have saved her, but then again I would be just as likely to suck her dry.
I hate myself, but concentrate on her, I look at her face and she just looks broken. I ask her what I can do and all she says is Bella. I suppose these are human memories and so maybe she really wants to speak to a human about them. Either way I can't help her as Edward has forbidden us to talk to her. I vow one day to make Edward feel this helpless to help his loved one, and then I remember I already have...

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