Chapter 9-My First Lesson part 1

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After I land in in Athens, I am greeted with the biggest hug and kiss from Esme. Then Carlisle slowly walks closer to embrace me, and I feel so much better for it.
Rose Emmett and Alice will be joining us in 6 days (she booked the ticket after receiving a vision of us swimming in Santorini together) so all that I have to dread is my night classes.
I know nothing about Greek mythology, but after 2 days I will.
I wish more than ever Alice was here, she normally teaches me what sayings are cool for people who are supposed to be our age, then styles our hair and chooses our outfits. Not too flamboyant, yet always stylish and in fashion, she has a gift with clothing. However Alice couldn't help me now, and so I try on my own. After reaching our new home, I unpack my backpack and go shopping. Making sure I stick to the shade (as the sun is still out despite it being after 5pm) I know I only have a few hours maximum until all the shops close, but I need an outfit for my college course.
Eventually I find a little independent boutique shop still open, so I walk in. The clothes are overpriced but seem neutral yet stylish, so I try a few items on. Where is Alice when you need her? After about 15 minutes when I'm about to give up the woman who owns the shops comes over to help me (and drool over my now exposed chest) I explain I'm starting my class and want to appear cool. She picks out some pale brown jeans, a printed shirt and a bracelet which apparently all the cool people are wearing. It doesn't look to bad, so I try it on.
"That will be €125 please" I pay the lady quickly and leave quickly so she doesn't feel anymore embarrassment after she fell over a display because she was too engrossed with watching me. I'm still not sure on the outfit but Alice will sort out my wardrobe dilemma when she comes.
Our new home isn't as spacious as our home in forks, however it does have enough bedrooms and a decent bathroom. The main difference is there is no dinning room, and the kitchen is smaller however neither of these will hinder our lifestyle.
Carlisle has enrolled me and so for now all I can do is wait, after some time it's dark and so I hunt knowing I need to be full for my classes. I begin by searching the forest not sure of what I'll find, I come across a wild boar after a while and decide it will suffice for now.
I crouch ready to pounce, taking a deep breath so I can smell the blood, allowing my senses to take complete control over me. Alice loves to watch me hunt, apparently I'm quite a soothing attacker as I try to spread a feeling of peace over my animal victims saving them unnecessary stress of the inevitable end, death.
After filling up on blood I call Alice. Buying clothes will be harder since it's so sunny here, of course she reminds me there is internet shopping.
I decide to see if Carlisle has any books on Greek mythology, get ahead of the game so to speak. Of course he has all the books I need to do my course and more.
I'm restless for the next 24 hours, unable to really concentrate on my books or on Esme as she endlessly reassures me. At last, Carlisle is now getting his bag ready for the night shift, it's almost time for my first class. I've just hunted, packed my core books and changed. It's only 3 hours, 3 hours in a closed space with helpless prey. Esme reminds me once more what her number is, although I have it saved in my contacts, and then me and Carlisle are off to enjoy our evening activities, blending in.

New Moon- Jaspers taleDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora