Bella's POV

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I drive quickly knowing that this is my chance to hear his voice, I'm sure of it. I reach where I first saw Sam Uley diving on the higher cliff edge, that was so long ago. When me and Jacob spent all our time together, and before the dynamics at his reservation made sense, I wonder what it would be like to return to that.
I try to figure out how to get to the lower cliff edge, but I can see a storm is brewing and so I need to complete this quickly whilst I still can do the higher edge it is. I leave my keys in the ignition knowing no one would steal my old truck it's worthless to everyone else, whilst also knowing that anyone who wanted access to my house to hurt me didn't need any keys either.
I make my way through the trees and wild plants and find myself near to the path I'm looking for. I strip off my coat and my shoes, then I edge closer to the edge.
"Bella! You promised, it's not safe".
My lungs stop as does my heart, almost knowing I want pure silence to hear him. He's beginning to fade,
"You promised it would be like you never left, you lied"
"Please Bella, step back don't do this"
I close my eyes and savour his pleas pretending he cares for me.
"Watch me Edward"
I bend my knees and soar through the air, it feels like flying, and the whole way down I'm accompanied by my angel.
I hit the cool icy water and then return to the surface I take a triumphant gasp of fresh oxygen before I realise my mistake.
The fall wasn't the dangerous part, the water was.
1..2..3 I'm repeatedly smashed below the surface, wave after icy cold wave beating down on me, knocking out all my oxygen. My surroundings are all equally dark, I'm disorientated and have no idea where the surface is.
Then I hear him
"Bella, keep kicking, don't you dare give up, kick dammit kick!" His voice despite being angry is velvety smooth and heavenly.
I accept my fate and allow all my other senses to numb just to listen to his beautiful voice. I forget Charlie, Alice, Jessica, Angela even Jacob

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