My first lesson part 2

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I walk around the college campus to familiarize myself with where I need to go. I find my room easily, and wait patiently outside for the professor to arrive.
I can smell humans everywhere despite there being none nearby. I try to hold my breath and push back the memories of trying to attack Bella. I look at my watch and count down the time until my first class.
I've never been to school as a vampire without Alice and I'm extremely nervous. Will I be able to blend in, will I be able to control myself, will I scare people off. I know Carlisle is on campus too but I wish I wasn't on my own.
2 girls join me waiting for class, Athena and Becky, both aged 17 and just moved out of their parents house. They seem friendly and confident, too excitable for me, meaning I can just smile and nod whilst they chat away.
Eventually the tutor arrives and so we enter, I can smell something is wrong but can't tell what. I pretend to need the bathroom and quickly call Carlisle.
My panicking is for nothing as it turns out that Carlisle had met up with his vampire friend Davos in a room on campus to collect my textbooks, it must have been this room.
I take a few deep breaths and calm myself. I walk back through the courtyard with an olive tree and before I'm in the right corridor my phone goes off. Caller id Alice.
I answer straight away, "Emmett has been attacked by wolves and me and Rose are stuck on the roof."
Me and Carlisle are at the airport within the hour and have boarded our plane. It's just not fast enough, I sit there rigid in my seat forgetting to fidget and blink. Carlisle suggests I pretend to be asleep but my expression warns him to leave me alone.
How long can a plane journey take, I count down the minutes until we get there. I just hope I'm fast enough to save Alice.

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