Chapter 3-Departure

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My attackers slows down to walking pace, and I recognise his scent. I straighten up but remain tense as I wait for Edward to emerge from the trees.
I can feel his emotions, and there are a lot; anger, hate, embarrassment, fear, disgust, pain, tolerance, disappointment, resentment, regret, upset and many more. Then I feel nothing, he must be working hard to keep his emotions numb, or I'm not able to use my talent right now.
He approaches me slowly, appearing calm with his hands up, a clear display of peace. I realise that he has been sent to retrieve me, most likely by Esme or Carlisle, and that Edward begrudgingly has done as they asked. My self loathing doubles as I process my assumption but knowing it's most likely accurate. He open his mouth to speak but nothing comes out, I'm making this too hard on him.
"Jasper, I'm sorry I put you through that I'm taking Bella home so please come back. Alice is heartbroken you have left and Carlisle and Esme have begged me to bring you home, so please come home." He tries to smile but it looks off, "Carlisle and myself have called a family meeting, give me a five minute head start and come home."
He changes his facial expression then to a facial expression I've never seen before, one that looks truly scary "if you aren't home when I'm back from dropping off Bella I will hunt you down Jasper, and I will bring you home, but I warn you now you might not be in one piece" he hisses at me and then turns around running back to the house.
I take 5 deep breathes and decide to come back home, of course Alice sees me coming and is waiting in the right spot for me. She runs towards me and embraces me tightly.
"Jasper Hale, don't you ever leave me again, ever! Your whole future just disappeared for a few minutes, how could you leave me?"
If she could she would be crying right now and so I allow her arms to wrap around my body tightly knowing it's what she needs. My wife has a unique gift of being able to see the future based on what people decide. Of course I hadn't decided anything apart from getting away, so my future went blank.
We slowly walk back to the house, ensuring Edward has enough time to take Bella home before we enter.
We slowly cross the threshold and I can instantly see my mother Esme, she races forward to hug me and then scolds me for leaving. Carlisle my father just nods his head, clearly he is going to deal with me later. Emmett approaches but doesn't physically embrace me instead he gestures towards the kitchen, once inside he begins "Jasper, it happens to all of us. I remember the last human I had, she smelt so good I couldn't resist, even Edward has." I know he is trying to reassure but but I don't need this right now. "It just takes time, as Carlisle says years and years of practice" his speech is over and he just looks vulnerable and I can see why Rosalie loves him so, but I can't deal with him like this. Rosalie just says you didn't kill her what's the big deal and returns to grooming her hair.
Everyone is now gathering in the dining room, where ironically none of us dine, it's used mainly for family meeting and maintaining a facade. We all take our places Carlisle at the head, Esme Rose and Emmett down the left and bottom leaving a space for Edward and me and Alice down the right.
I'm dreading this, will Edward ask me and Alice to leave, he couldn't that would destroy her. I look up in to my partners eyes, her trust and loyalty disarms me and I hate myself even more for what I am about to put her through, it's all my fault.
I can barely look Carlisle in the eye due to my disgust, and then Edward returns. It takes all my self control not to beg for them to just banish me, to spare my wife, but ultimately my selfish behaviour wins as I acknowledge I couldn't live without her. She takes my hand and looks adoringly at me, making me loathe myself even more.
After a lengthy discussion the whole family is shocked by the outcome.
"Edward you don't have to leave her, we could all leave for a period of time say 6 months and return, I've never see you so happy son" Esme pleads but Edward is sticking to his plan. We are all to leave forks and leave Bella behind.
"I'll stay behind and break up with her, no more arguing, I want her to have a life she can't have with me. I'm going to live on my own for a few weeks, I doubt I'll be much fun and then I'll return." He looks over at Esme "I'll call mum okay, now everyone pack and be ready to leave in the morning".
Carlisle and Esme are going to London to visit a friend and then going to visit somewhere in Europe. Rose and Emmett are going to Africa, Emmett like to battle wild and dangerous animals when he is upset promising to then join them in Europe after their 12th honeymoon. Myself and Alice are going to the old insane asylum where Alice lived in her human life and then we will join them in Europe. Edward tells no one his plans preferring solitude.
So after 20 minutes of packing me and Alice say our goodbyes and I feel the guilt that I'm separating my family.
I take one last glance at what has been out beautiful home, and say good bye to it. I take my partners hand and remind her why we can't say goodbye to Bella despite her desperate pleas.
Goodbye house...

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