Chapter 20- The Hunt

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I can't believe it, there is no one here. There is no sign of wolves or Alice, Emmett and Rosalie. I've rang now at least 10 times on each of their phones, no response. Carlisle is currently trying to track their phones, but with only 1 bar of signal he is struggling.
I'm running around the house trying to catch a scent of either them or the wolves, but I can't catch anything.
At last the app is working for Carlisle but it says that they are in 3 different locations. The nearest is 5 miles away. I take one last look to see if I missed anything then we head towards Rosalie's phone. We have to cross a river about two miles in, after crossing my nose hurts. The wolves are likely to be nearby, I just hope we can reach them quickly enough. The app tells us we are almost there and then we see it. It's an abandoned bar, relatively small and with all windows smashed. The doors have been taken out and instead they have been blocked with clothes and rubbish bags. It appears to be one floor but there could be a basement. I can smell the wolves but I can't see them or hear them. Wolves are never normally this quiet when in numbers, it's suspicious. Carlisle suggest we back up a mile so he can update Esme incase the worst should happen. He makes his call quickly and then we head back in a circular motions. It's too quiet here, we rotate around the building but there are no signs of anyone, human vampire or wolf being there. After circling for a third time I grow tired of the cautious and tactical approach. I dart across the small clearing and enter the building, I push through the rubbish and enter the bar. It's empty! Nothing is here, and no sign anyone has been here in a while. I begin searching the building first the left and then the right, no signs of anything or anyone being here. Then I see there is a trapdoor behind the bar. I call Carlisle to come in and then make my way down the trapdoor into darkness. As soon as I drop down my nose hurts so badly I have to cover it, so a wolf is definitely here, but it's a matter of where? My eyes quickly adapt to the dark, I can see some old barrels which have been left behind, a box of tobacco and some glasses. In the corner is the phone and next to it is a clump of black fur. However there is no wolf, just the clump of hair. I grab the phone and climb out the trapdoor.
I chuck the phone at Carlisle whilst he works out where the next nearest phone is. Again signal isn't great so it takes a while, the nearest phone is Emmett he's 12 miles away. Again I take a look around double checking I've missed nothing, but I can't find anything. On the way I tell Carlisle about the black fur that I find and explain that I saw a huge black werewolf previously with Alice, and that at the time he wasn't hostile.
We reach the second destination, this time it's an abandoned factory. Again all the windows are either smashed or boarded up. This time the building is much bigger so I need Carlisle to come in with me.
He apologizes and again calls Esme to let her know where we are and how long we should be. Again we circle around the building twice, then Carlisle makes a run for the building he reaches the door and then turns around leaning against the wall signaling me over. I run and jump, kicking down the door in one smooth action. I land roll and then look all around. Again no one is here but my nose is in agony meaning the wolves must have been here. Sure enough I catch a glimpse of grey fur ripped off on a railing on the second level. I call Carlisle in and begin the ascent of the stairs, ever so slowly creeping up whilst looking everywhere and staying alert. I finally reach the fur and see the phone is tied to the bannister meaning you can't see it from below. I double check the upstairs and then jump down joining Carlisle. We perform a joint sweep of the factory and leave with the phone.
So far no signs of them, only that both Rosalie and Emmett aren't with their phones. We head to the trees again where Carlisle can get a bar of signal on his phone, then he tracks Alice's phone and I'm disgusted when I recognize where it is...

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