Chapter 31-Decoys

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Alice wraps her arms around me and giggles quietly. The relief she feels is infectious and knowing I gave her that revelation is heavenly. I guess I understand why Carlisle and Edward kept quiet despite the fact they both must have known and I'm grateful.
"So Alice isn't broken? "
"No Emmett, Alice was never broken. She just can't see the wolves future. Well done Jasper I knew there was a reason. But that still doesn't answer the questions around who kidnapped you all."
"Actually it does"
Carlisle is shocked that Bella has interrupted him and that she has figured it out.
"It was Victoria, you kept getting chased by a black wolf but it never attacked, correct?"
"Yes that's right"
"That's because it was Sam Uley, Jacob told me about his pack a little. They've been chasing Victoria for weeks, and it's been over huge distances too"
"Of course, Victoria wouldn't have wanted you to recognise her since we all would have come back to protect Bella. So she manipulated the wolves somehow."
Edward kisses Bella on the cheek and she blushes a deep red as he whispers clever girl in her ear.
So Victoria was able to get Emmett Alice and Rose and take care of the wolves.
"So what happened to the wolves?"
The room is silent as it contemplates my question and then Bella stops staring at Edward and answers.
"What do you mean? The pack is fine, in fact I've seen all of them within the few days before Volterra"
She shakes but tries to hide it. Edwards signals me and I spread a feeling of calm over the room directing it in Bella's direction. As soon as it hits Edward he checks Bella, she has stopped shaking but she still looks distressed.
"So was it different wolves? How else would we have seen their fur?"
"Yes Bella every time Jasper found us he found a clump of fur"
The whole room is looking at me
"Emmett is correct, I found a huge clump of fur at each site"
"Hang on" Bella is concentrating hard on something so all we can do is wait for her response. "The pack all shaved their hair again a week or so back, when they cut they hair in human form they lose fur in wolf form. But you saw fur there?"
"Bella, my clever girl, of course. They didn't trim their hair because they wanted to, but because Sam their pack leader had to. His hair was uneven, did Jacob cut his hair?"
"Yes but not as much as the others"
"Victoria pulled out some fur to make us think the wolves did it, maybe she thought we would fight and leave Bella defenseless, who knows. But she is definitely more resourceful than we thought."
Everyone feels some relief as things are starting to make sense. Except me and Alice. Her past still doesn't make sense how could her mother do that?
We are about to disperse for the night, Bella and Edward to her room; she looks really tired and weak still. Rose and Emmett to hunt, Carlisle to work and Esme is about to call the Danali's when there is a knock on the door...

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