Chapter 32- Lillian Brandon

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Everyone is frozen and looking at the door but no one dare move. Me being the closest I decide to open the door, but I signal Emmett and Carlisle to stand by the back doors just incase. I open the door and find a video cassette lying on the ground. I sniff around to try and catch a scent, Victoria.
"Edward it's her" I growl through my teeth.
"Edward you stay here, Emmett you're with me, and Carlisle get in your car and check the perimeter then call us after 5 minutes. Let's go"
Emmett is almost grinning at the idea of a fight and is straight out the door. We chase her trail, sniffing her scent Emmett racing ahead and me checking all directions for signs of her.
We follow it to the quillette reservation line and then split up and run along the line checking for signs of her, nothing can be found.
My phone rings, "Carlisle, any sign of her?"
"No signs of her, I need to leave for work soon otherwise the hospital will struggle. Shall I ring them?"
"No I think she is gone, you go to work and me and Emmett will do a sweeping perimeter on the way back."

"So are we gonna watch it or what?"
Sometimes I can't help but love Emmett's simple mind and how he is straight to the point.
"Should we wait for Carlisle?"
Bella looks anxious, I can feel tension in the room, it's radiating from everyone in the room."
"Please can we watch it, I can't take this atmosphere for 12 hours. Plus Bella won't be able to sleep until she has watched the video."
I can tell Edward and Alice are on my side plus Emmett was already keen to watch it. Rose will go will the crowd, so all I have to do is convince Esme and we can get it over with.
"This video will most likely take multiple views, we can watch it, then let Bella sleep whilst we dissect the facts. Then we can watch it when Carlisle comes back from work and figure out what to do with the video."
Esme finally nods her head in agreement and so Emmett puts the cassette in the player and we sit anticipating what we are about to watch.
We huddle around the old VCR which Carlisle kept purely for nostalgic reasons and wait for the video to begin.
"Hello Cullens it me, of course you know who I am, much as I know who you are. In fact I know one of you better than you know yourself. Once I've killed Bella for taking my James, and after that I will get you Alice for my revenge."
Edward has pulled Bella to the floor and is protecting her by huddling over her. Meanwhile everyone else is looking at Alice and wondering why she wants to kill her, what did Alice do that needs to be dealt with.
"It all begins with your mother Lillian, but of course Alice you have no idea. Well let me tell you."
The video goes dark and we double check the house for signs of her.
"It all began...

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