Chapter 30- The visions

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Once Bella was awake we rearranged ourself again around the dining table. This time Bella and Edward have taken Emmets spot and Roses.
There is a tense silence around the group and Edward is in a protective position whilst sitting, both showing Bella and shielding her.
"Bella, we have some questions for you, if that's okay with you"
"Of course Carlisle, what do you need to know"
Edward keeps shaking his head, but Carlisle won't ask her about the events that happened in Volterra yet, no one here wants to upset her.
"Bella, did you try to communicate with Alice during our absence?"
"Oh, well I did talk and write to her everyday, but I never thought it would work. I just assumed that it would be like writing in a diary. I did it for myself more than anything thing else. Did you get the messages Alice?"
Everyone is now facing my wife and I can feel her shaking so I grab her hand and stroke it under the table, spreading my sense of calm.
"You did it everyday?"
"Well not everyday, for the first 6weeks I refused to admit you had gone and basically spent all my time in bed trying to sleep it off, hoping one of you would be there when I woke up. Then I spent six weeks pretending you weren't real. That I had imagined you all or read about you in a book".
Bella has paused and is checking that she hasn't hurt anybody's feelings.
That girl has always been too polite for her own good.
"After that it was everyday, but I missed the day I jumped. Alice if you got my messages why didn't you come back? I told you regularly about Victoria and even about Laurent. Did you guys not care anymore."
Carlisle begins answering for Alice "she only received some messages Bella. If we had known we would have come back immediately."
Alice stands up and looks At Bella with hurt clearly showing on her face. "Bella, I love you. You are just like a sister to me. I'm still really mad at Edward for not letting me talk to you before we left. And I'm even angrier he banned us all from coming back to forks for 75 years unless there was an emergency. By then you would have forgotten all about me."
"How come she didn't get the interesting messages? Maybe your gift is broken".
I want to smash Emmett is in big stupid face right now. Alice still feels insecure about her visions, how dare he!
"Emmett don't tease her like that. And Alice I'm sorry I took away your friend and didn't let you say goodbye. I wanted her to live a normal life, free from the mysterious and mythology that surrounds our world. It's too dangerous for her."
He looks at her and his eyes look peaceful sad happy excited and painful all at the same time. I'm trying to read him, but Edwards emotions are just all over the place.
"Anyway Carlisle has something to say"
"Thank you Edward, so here is the riddle, the puzzle. How come Alice only got certain messages and not the others. Bella how often did you talk about Jacob or do it whilst with him?"
Bella looks confused by the question. I can see her trying to understand how hurt Edward is by the question.
"It's okay Bella, you can answer honestly."
"Well, I guess pretty much all the time, maybe a few where he wasn't there or I didn't mention him. But what does Jacob Black have to do with this?"
Everyone is silent so I answer.
"Jacob is a werewolf, that's why Alice didn't get most of the messages, couldn't see Victoria coming for you, and why Alice didn't see the future for herself before. It's the wolves."

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