Chapter 19-Plane Ride

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Me and Carlisle have finally landed, he's paying a grubby looking man money and then we are off. We climb into a grubby old black private plane and load are 1 single bag. We buckle up despite not needing to but simply because he has said to and then take off. I start to crunch pieces of discarded old litter on the plane to feel like I'm doing something. If anything were to happen to Alice, my most dearly treasured wife, or to Emmett or Rosalie then I would hold myself accountable.
After about 10 more minutes of this agony I finally start to recognize points of interest meaning we can't be far.
The tension is getting too much for me, I can feel the tension rolling off of Carlisle and it's only adding to mine. Finally we land, Carlisle thanks him and before he can notice we have headed in to some nearby trees.
I begin running as fast as I can, so fast that my vision is starting to get blurry. Well not truly blurry, after all I am a vampire, but the depth of my vision isn't quite right. Carlisle calls for me to slow down but this just makes me run faster and faster. The trees are starting to thin out now so I slow a tiny bit, although it physically pains me to have to slow down. I want to be reckless and heroic and save my woman, but I know that the main road in and out is just in front of me, so we need to be cautious. I whisper Carlisle and thankfully I hear his reply not too far off in the distance.
We take a peak at the road and see thankfully that there is only a truck but otherwise it's empty. We wait, tensed, ready to dart out once it's gone. I feel like a spring waiting to let go of all my tension. 3....2....1.... And again were running, first darting across the road and then back in to the trees for cover. I try to sniff a trail in knowing the house must be nearby, and then I smell it. The painful sting in my nose, similar to a severe nosebleed. Wolves are nearby, meaning Alice must be too. Finally in the distance I can see the house, but I can't see the wolves or Alice on the roof. Where is everyone?

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