Alice- The Plane Journey

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Jasper has finally packed, and I'm anxious because I'm not going with him. But I have one place left to explore of local areas that I think might have clues and there are two I didn't finish. I really want to understand my past.
Thankfully Emmett is coming, Jasper won't admit it but he's coming to babysit me I can tell. I am grateful for Emmett but I think Rosalie may end up getting bored. There aren't any malls up here or cinemas, it's very quiet, not Rose's cup of tea. Still it will be nice to explore more freely, I think Jasper would rather explore himself and record it so I can see from the hotel television. I can't wait to be free, plus Emmett makes everything slightly more amusing.
I feel slightly guilty about lying to Jasper about not remembering anything but all I can visualize clearly is disturbing parts of my past which I don't wish to have to describe over and over. I'll tell him when I have the whole picture or close to that.

12 hours later he's boarding his plane and I'm left alone with Rosalie and Emmett. We can't bare saying goodbye so we never say it Jasper and I. We refuse to kiss as well as its feels like saying goodbye, the same as hugging so instead we memorize every part of each other's face, so we can call on that memory if we get lonely. Emmett used to make jokes about our lack of intimacy but eventually he got bored when we both ignore him and continue with our version of parting. Edward has told me himself and Bella find it extremely intimate and feel like sometimes they are intruding when Bella was around all summer, but we never did it to be mean or exclude anyone it's just how we are I suppose. I wait until his plane takes off, if I could cry I'm sure a single tear would escape but I can't, so I turn around and leave with Emmett to find Rosalie, she's enjoying teasing the perfume stores and cosmetic counters. We all get into the car and I'm desperate with it all to make sense so I can fly back to where Jasper is.
I tell Emmett how to get to the last unexplored part on the map, he leaves me alone there to go take Rosalie back to the airport, she is sure something interesting will happen in the last shop she was in, which means some poor humans are part of some plan to make her feel good.

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