Alice-The Past?

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Here I am, my old house, the house I grew up in. It's a small house in terms of its width, but it has two levels and a roof. There is a smell of dust and pine in the air as I approach the house. The paint outside has faded but I think it used to be a light blue or green but now the whole house is a gone off white. There are several square windows but the roof has a circular window. The glass is missing from all of the windows but the roof, most likely smashed out by kids playing ball too close to this abandoned house.
I open the door, and see the corridor has a thick layer of dust, the door has a postbox which has rusted over and a rusty bell hanging. As I enter I can smell the pine more strongly, and see a table at the side covered with trinkets. I look at them one by one, but none of them mean anything to me. I freeze as I smell another vampire smell, it's not me Emmett or Rosalie.

The smell is coming from the kitchen, so I silently move towards the kitchen, hoping that no one has lingered here and they were passing through. I enter the kitchen and to my relief no one is here besides my self and a few well fed spiders in the corners. The kitchen has a massive stove oven and a pantry on the left, I enter the pantry out of passing curiosity and to my horror find scratch marks on the wall. Again my fingers fit the marks perfectly meaning that I was most likely locked in here too. I run from the pantry outside to escape but it's too late the flashbacks begin just as I trip and fall over a step.
I'm about six years old, I have a small wooden doll in my hand and I've been locked in the pantry for a while, I'm crying because I need to go to the loo, but my mum refuses to let me out. She keeps saying it's not safe.

I awake dazed on the ground, I'm screaming from the horror of the flashback. Something doesn't add up here, so my mother locked me up to keep me safe? Safe from what?

I enter the house again and head straight upstairs, I take a deep breath and enter my mothers room. There are pictures scattered all over the room, a few of her wedding day, a few from birthday party's but then there are about six all with the same man in them, but it's not my dad. The room is tidy apart from the scattered photos and layer of dust on the furniture. I head in to my own bedroom and find again my scratch marks are over the door and walls. What happened here? Why was I constantly locked up? It just doesn't make sense.
I turn around and head downstairs, I don't want to see anymore for today. I call Emmett to come pick me up, I'll wait outside for him. I step out side and try to work out what I have seen, and then I spot it on my right. The big black wolf is back, and this time it's teeth are barred. He growls and I take a step back, I run back inside slamming the door shut. Running back up the stairs, the wolf has broken the door down. And he's coming up stairs, I have no idea what to do, I hide in my bedroom as the door brakes down but this this its a different wolf, this one is grey, and unlike the black one its not in the mood to play.

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