Chapter 6- Nothingness

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We had planned to spend less time near the asylum, however Alice had refused to leave the hotel room. She had spent four days pacing up and down the hotel room, walking up to a wall placing her hand there and then pacing it on the next wall. Repeatedly reliving the moment she had found her hands had fitted the scratch marks in that cage.
Then she had spent a day putting random markings and numbers on a map of the local area. The next few days were a blur of being desperate to hunt due to hunger, and being determined not to leave her side after all that had happened.
Today however Alice was showing signs of being able to cope for an hour without me. After recharging my phone for the third time this morning and yet another reassuring chat I'm finally ready to leave and go hunting. I take a long look at my beloved wife, spread waves of calm over her and leave the hotel room.
The hotel is near to some woods, I walk calmly through the first layer, and submerge myself to the green layers of nature.
I can smell the woods, the moss, the sap flowing from a tree, the slightly damp air. I breathe it in enjoying the different scents Mother Nature has to offer, eventually I smell something mouthwatering. I approach now in hunter mode, stealthily stalking my prey. It's a large elk, with a damaged hoof, it's all alone and it's mine.
I feel pleased with myself after killing it quickly by snapping it's neck and then sucking it dry, poor beast couldn't run away due to its injured hoof, although even if it had been the Usain Bolt of Elks it wouldn't have been able to out run me. I always feel repentance after sustaining my hunger, something I've learnt from my father Carlisle. I always try to choose animals that are weak and so wouldn't survive in the wild regardless of my existence, trying to make up for my past.
I notice 2 small bunnies looking lost and hopeless, I double check to see if their rabbit mother is anywhere but I cannot see or smell one. Therefore I scoop them up and run back to the hotel, fortunately the sun is interrupted by clouds as I reach the hotel and so I use my shirt to make a hammock to hold the bunnies in, greet the startled receptionist who from the vibes I'm sensing is appreciate of the view of me topless and head back to Alice.
I've been gone barely an hour, but already her state has worsened. She looks pale and fragile and she has once again filled another notepad with the word nothing.
After visiting the asylum she hasn't been able to see the future, every time she has tried and failed she writes down the word nothing, so far we have 8 notebooks filled with that word.
I unwrap the shirt to reveal the bunnies, and although I can feel that she isn't in the mood to eat, she does it anyway to make me feel less guilty.
After eating she returns to writing the word nothing, only on her eleventh attempt she writes two words Carlisle and phone.
After double checking the words my phone rings and surprise surprise it's Carlisle ringing me.
Of course when I hang up Alice already knows what he called for, which means her visions must be working again. She looks sad and disappointed. Carlisle had booked me on to my course on Greek Mythology, something I had never revealed an interest in before, testament to Carlisle insight in to how all his children think. I needed to enrol in twelve days time, otherwise the story that Carlisle and Esme had carefully set up would be ruined.
Alice finally opened her mouth to speak, then continued writing the word nothing in her notebook.
I've never felt so frustrated in my life, I want so desperately to help her, but she refuses to let me in, then of course Alice's own frustration at her powers not working well was affecting me too.
Why were her powers not working when she had clearly and correctly predicted Carlisle ringing? None of this made sense...

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