Chapter 22- Escape route

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"Alice my love where are the wolves?"

I notice that Emmett is unconscious on the floor with Rosalie clutching his hand. "Where are they?"

"We ran in here and they never followed but we had to drag Emmett in here, and he knocked the bars and that locked us in"

"Carlisle you deal with the fire, you girls stand back"

I take a few steps back and then I run fast and I run hard, lunging myself at the steel bars, a few of them give way as I collide noisily. I back up and lift Alice out before helping Rosalie with Emmett. "Carlisle, you dealt with the fire yet?"

"I can't contain it Jasper, we need to leave, and we need to go now"

Carlisle comes back and after the shortest argument of all time he begins leading Alice and Rosalie to the window with no bars whilst I carry Emmett.

We run back through the corridor and straight in the room. Alice goes first, then Rosalie. Then we push Emmett through, the flames have reached the door, we need to hurry up. Carlisle scrambles out and just as the flames are about to destroy me he pulls me out.

We drag Emmett a safe distance away from the crumbling building and call in for a private jet car helicopter, any form of transport to get us all away.

"Carlisle can Vampires loose conscious?" I ask fearing the worst for Emmett.

"Im not sure, ive never experience it, but it could be possible. Especially if he hasnt had a drink in a while, when was the last time he hunted?"

"Maybe 72 hours ago tops, wasnt too long ago" Rosalie whsipers whilst stroking his face. I clutch at Alice, taking in every detail of her beautiful cherished face. I look around, it doesnt make sense, where are the wolves? They already knew that i wasnt among these three but that i was with Alice due to the first time.

Alice goes blank and her eyes roll back "the car is coming and Esme will call in three, two one.."

Sure enough Carlisles pocket begins to vibrate, he explains that everyone for now is alive but that Emmett is hurt and needs his attention so he will call when he can. The fire is spreading so we move further back, heading towards the road. I feel so relieved everyone is ok, that i decide that Emmett doesnt need punishing, if he was rendered unconscious then he has done his job, and i know that he will recover as Alice has just had a vision that he will come around when the car arrives. But i cant help but feel like I'm missing a huge chunk of the story. Why did the wolves not attack before, and why are they no longer here?

Something else strange and unnatural is at work here, but what?

An old man pulls up in an expensive looking limo, the only thing available at short notice, none of us complain as we all climb in and just as we adjust Emmett to put on his seatbelt he comes around.

As it turns out Emmett had been trying to see how long he could go without hunting and so Rosalies guess earlier of three days had been out, Emmett hadnt hunted for a full 6 days, and so when he slipped on some uneven tiles and hit his head, he just didnt feel strong enough to open his eyes. However he assures Carlisle he heard everything, looks at Rose and says he needs to close his eyes again until he gets some nurishment as he feels unbalanced and almost like he has a headache. Carlisle agrees but whispers to Rose keep stroking his hair, so he can keep track of time and be aware of whats happenening just incase, whilst buckling himself in next to Emmett.

Me and Alice sit slightly further away simply gazing at each others faces, and i know that if she ever leaves my side again it might just kill me. Then all my previous anger towards Edward wavers, if he feels even half as strongly as i do for Alice towards Bella then he must be in agony.

Next time he calls i will make ammends, i promise myself.

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