Chapter 26- Communication?

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Angela, who is Angela? I rack my mind trying to remember who Angela is. No one springs to mind but Alice is looking at me like I should instantly know.
"I think Bella is trying to communicate with me" I'm not sure what she means by this, I thought only Edward could read minds allowing people to communicate. Plus what does Bella have in common with the name Angela? Angela, Angela, maybe she means someone in forks, since she mentioned Bella. I try to think of everyone I associate with Bella, was it her mother? That popular cheerleader? Maybe a friend from Phoenix? Who else was Bella friends with, was there another girl at that table? Yes there was but what was her name? The popular one was called Jen or Jess, something beginning with J in sure but the other girl, what was she called?
I give in "is it the quiet girl, the one on the school paper?" It feels weird saying that since it's no longer our school, I think I might even feel homesick. She nods meaning I at least know who she is but I still don't understand why she thinks Bella is communicating.
She explains that she sees herself racing back to forks and she's talking to Angela in a vision, but that she also heard Bella speaking throughout her vision; almost as if she wanted Alice to have the vision. This is something different we haven't experienced before.
I quickly run to the living room "Carlisle", I shout impatiently.
He enters the living room surprised at being summoned, and I feel slightly guilty for being harsh with him, I explain what Alice told me and wait for his response. He takes 9 seconds before walking to his study area grabbing his laptop and three books.
Communicating with the dead by Olive Howell
Distress calls and how to read them by Jamie Toner
Secret communication, long distance by Benjamin Adams.

I'm a bit surprised by his selection and how it fits what I just explained to him but he tells me to be patient, give home a few hours and he will have read the books and he'll start researching on the Internet.
I return to Alice, aware that she is only there physically since she is seeing the future. When she returns she tries to describe what she saw, but it's flashes. She can see Bella driving, walking, hiking and she sees her doing something that makes her hair go back. She explains its not the future but the past she is seeing. But that she thinks she should return to forks.
"Alice, you can't go back to forks, Edward would bite your head off!" I explain. "Jasper, you don't understand! I don't know how but in some unique way Bella is trying to talk to me. She could be in trouble, you know how clumsy she is. What if Victoria is back, or some new gang? Anything could be happening and she's asking for my help. Please understand Jasper I need to go back, I need to save her"
"Just wait until Carlisle knows what's happening, tonight he's researching what's happening, please wait until we are sure of what's happening" I plead with her.
"You have 6 hours then I'm booking my ticket".

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