Chapter25-Getting By

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It's been months since Alice tried to rediscover her past and since then she has been trying to hold it in but I know she isn't her normal chirpy self. I try talking to her but she changes the subject each time. I'm giving her a week of peace before I try again, I just can't stand to see her looking like this.
I know at some point she will tell me, but I just want to see her happy.
Sometimes I wonder if it's nothing to do with her past, but that she just misses Bella.
Over that summer which seems so long ago, they became so close. I guess Bella needed someone to talk through her Edward stuff and with Rose being Rose and our lives having to be secretive it makes sense she chose Alice. It was just like Alice had predicted before the whole James, Victoria and Laurent business, she said it's okay Edward me and Bella will be close friends. Of course seeing the future she was correct, but she didn't see the pain of their separation after. Although I promised to forgive Edward he could of allowed Alice to write a letter or just a post it note saying goodbye, how much hurt could that have done.
He read her thoughts, he knew that they both loved each other, the way friends only can. He knew he was taking that away from them, he knew what he was doing.
Everyone is on edge recently, especially since Edward hasn't got in touch recently. Esme has restored a listed building which was decaying to its original glory, and now she has settled for painting. Her latest has all of us and then two smudged faces, one surrounded by long brown hair and Edwards just isn't finished; she's struggling to remember his exact features due to the long period of absence.
I'm about to go for a walk on my own when Alice looks up from her book and says one word "Angela"

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