Chapter 32- Victoria

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"It began in 1896, your mother Alice was still in school studying cooking sowing and other household tasks as was customary at that time. She wasnt particularly skilled in either, not that it mattered, but she was kind to others and had a limited amount of beauty to her. She was a few years older than me, only a few but it was enough as it meant she developed her womanly figure before I could. James was captivated by her, you may have noticed him in a few photographs at your old house. Well anyway he developed some pathetic crush on her, and wouldn't notice me despite me being everything he needed. He began following her around like a lost puppy, it was pathetic to watch, but of course she didn't notice. She was too busy pining over your father, although he never really desired her just her money.
Anyhow she began dating your father or courting as it was called and James instead of noticing me followed them around.
James refused to notice me, so I hired someone to *take care of her."
In the video she has turned away and it looks to me like she is crying but I'm not completely sure.
"He was an idiot, he tried to stab her when James was nearby. Of course he tried to be a hero and got in the way, meaning my beloved James got stabbed. Lillian felt guilty and ran to get help, but I crept out from the shadows after to be by his side. He was bleeding a lot, it attracted a vampire and although he looked strong and scary I jumped on his back to stop him feeding on James. At that time I didn't really understand what he was doing, or else I might of ran. I just knew that I needed to stop him, he was able to get me off his back quickly and easily and he began sucking blood from me. Lillian came back with 3 or 4 men, I'm not sure, all I knew was I was burning and James wasn't moving. It must have scared the vampire away or between us both he had sedated his thirst.
A few hours later the burning began to numb and then one final blast of pain and I was fine. James still wasn't moving and despite the recent engagement Lillian was holding James and weeping at his side like he was a lover. I however was tied up and being carried away in horse and carriage. When they stopped I had been sent to an asylum, apparently my screams of pain had also had words which included a lot of profanities and adult themes and for my age they were worried.
I ended up in the cell next to you Alice but you were called Mary then. Of course you didn't come for years. Your mother is the reason for all my heartache and then your family caused his destruction, I will have my revenge Alice.

* Victoria says take care of her in a particularly harsh tone.

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