The unfamiliar

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Of all the places you could end up, where was you were dragged to? looking back at the tattered building, it seemed like an ideal hide out for treasure hoarders, so why did these mysterious people hide here of all places?

as you began to run away from the house, that looked to be in shambles, the sentence that was in your dream before hand breached a small wall in your head which caused you to pause in your tracks.

"Vile and venomous, i am but a snake slithering among the heavens, i have no business with those of  this world.."

Pairing it with the sentence you heard in a dream, you deemed it was the person your were attempting to conversate however their tone of voice sounded like a growl more then a voice. 

you shook it off and planned to rethink it over later, for the time being getting away from your captors was the top priority currently. so pushing that new found memory to the back of your head, you continued your haste in the unknown lands you were in.

it looked far from Mondstadt's open hills with a few seaside cliffs, the mountains breached the clouds and scrapped the heavens, this was not Mondstadt, this was it's neighboring country. "i wish i had a moment time to stop and smell the flowers"

you zipped passed trees and boulders with great speed, it felt like Barbatos himself was giving you a little boost which was very likely. you halted in front of a house, an older woman outside caring for her blooming silk flowers, "oh hey miss!"

she turned around and fixed the glasses on her face, you were completely out of breath as you put your hands on your knees to regain stamina. "Oh sweetie, you look worn out, are you alright?" she held your face up as her brows furrowed.

"My dear, you look very familiar.." the old lady shook her head and let you inside, "is this your house?" you asked, looking at the statues of fancy looking birds or deer. "My my no, this is a shrine, or it once was a shrine at least.."

she took a dull breath of the scent of silk flowers and smiled, "I can provide you shelter for the time being, as the abyss seems to be after you" her smile was kind and lady-like. "Thank you.." your weary body found its way to the ground, adrenaline leaving your body.

Sore and tingly from forcing your body through an abyssal barrier, the old woman brewed you some tea and offered you a seat, "Do you know why the abyss is after you?" she asked to which you shook your head.

"First the dragon of the eat.." she tapped her chin and sighed, "Do you have friends that will come looking for you?" you sipped the tea slowly and nodded, "there all the way back in Mondstadt though.."

a grin graced her lips, "A old friend of mine will escort you to stone gate, I'll send a message to the knights to get you from there, would you be comfortable leaving at night?" you shrugged. "I'll leave whenever this escort is able, thanks for the hospitality by the way"

"my dear, I'm glad to have you over, again.." with a minor cock of the head, she realized she had said little to too much. "oh ho nothing nothing.." she left you alone as she wrote her letter and sent it off with a crane.


As the night came, the sunlight left the glossy glass window and was replaced with starlight, "My dear, it's time for our goodbyes, i bid you good luck on your journey to stone gate.." the old woman smiled, behind her was an unknown figure.

He had a handsome face and green hair with aqua undertones, "This, is Xiao, he will escort you to stone gate" he was silent and instead drew his golden gaze to the silk flowers blooming just outside.

You examined his features thoroughly, his clothing stood out and his soft face wore an irritated or serious expression. "He isn't one for conversation with mortals..however i informed him of your immortality yet he wont budge"

a sigh escaped his lips, "I simply do not wish to converse with a being of unknown origin, she could destroy Liyue for all we know" his golden gaze glowed, blazing. "Or are you just scared you'll have to kill her in the end?"

The old woman coughed to separate the silence, "Best you both get going now, before it's to late" she ushered you both out of the door. "I'll be here taking care and keeping the statues company until the lantern rite ends, good luck children"

And with that, the antisocial Adeptus commanded you follow.


As the night grow older, the adepti urged you forward with few but aggressive words, he wasn't tired in the slightest in fact it was rare he slept without torment of the bygone gods he had slain. He didn't plan to add another to his already long list, so he kept his words short and simple enough.

"You really don't talk much huh?" he glanced over at you from the side, his eyes ever so cold "That doesn't work on me, i have a friend who has eyes colder then the peak of Dragonspine!" of course, he grew ever more irritated by your pointless words.

"For your information, just because you are not mortal does not mean i wont hurt you" His threats were empty, having nothing against the fellow immortal. "c'mon, I'm just trying to start conversation"

he scowled, pinching the bridge of his nose, "I do not wish to make conversation unless it is needed" he said simply, stopping the conversation in its tracks sooner then it was started.

Not long after the conversation had died, the yaksha got a chance to show off his abilities even though he never fought infront of someone who could withstand the waves of energy that gushed from his weapon.

a few hilichurls were nothing to the yaksha, with a few spins of the jade spear he wielded they were running with tails between there legs even if they had no tails. "Woah! cool!" without a thought in mind you ran up to the the yaksha and cheerfully smiled at him.

"i feel so tired from watching that even though i wasn't fighting" his face grew even more frustrated, "The power i use is not 'cool' it's deadly to gods like you, after this i don't want to risk having you near me unless need be"

He pushed pass you, his spear hovering on his back until it disappeared, "Come on! Take a compliment for once!" he halted and looked at you, "You said that once in the past.." he sighed. "You've always made it difficult for me to get rid of you, i see your no different.."

a smile graced your lips "I'm glad you've given in, i hope i haven't changed.."

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