Under the stars

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This fight went on for ages, ages being about thirty minutes before Cloud retainer began to lose energy. The clouds were disappearing and the beautiful Crain adepti finally showed herself, "Listen to me!" Y/n yelled, forcing her sword into the ground before approaching the creature.

"You've mistaken me for a liar, though i am honored you would put yourself on the line to secure my pride as a powerful bygone god. I am not regretful to say that i am not dead!"

if you could discern the expression the adepti made it would most certainly be a soft and apologetic look as well as some embarrassment. "then tell me who he is, old friend" she looked behind her at Albedo whom was brushing dirt from his clothes and quickly fixing his hair.

"He found me in Dragonspine, he's nursed me back to health..and," Cloud retainer watched her expression carefully as she shook her head, "we are..very close, his name is Albedo, Chief alchemist of the knights of Favonius..excuse his cold demeanor.." she smiled.

"Close? As lovers? Surely not!" her expression was distasteful and wore distrust like a crown, "Well no but yes but also no" Y/n tucked a bit of hair behind her ear coyly. "One has their doubts, only one thing will prove you are who you say"

The adepti unfolded her wings, gently flapping to create a small amount of dust to go flying "Perhaps your wings?" Albedo chimed in. "Ah, right..but it'll tear my clothes.." he shrugged "It didn't tear your clothing to bad last time, i believe you'll be fine"

She sighed, raising her arms up to stretch "could i borrow your coat to cover the tear's?" he nodded curtly, his eyes soft and fatigued.

she shifted, a little uncomfortable as she felt her skin crawl and her muscles twist and contort, the sound of cloth slowing being ripped as an inky void was birthed from her back. Cloud retainer remained silent, unable to comprehend the embarrassment she was feeling.

"ah, one's memory has eroded over time, i suppose i could scarcely recollect your appearance friend" Albedo reached to touch the silky feathers and nearly got smacked. "Hey! tell me if you're going to do that before touching my wings!"

He quickly pulled his hand away, it falling to the side as he relaxed. "sorry..now, Cloud retainer correct? If i may, we were not prepared for camping so-" the adepti made a tsk noise before facing her old friend again.

"If you are asking for shelter then you have come to the wrong adepti, i am after all a bird that requires no human needs other then necessities to live. However there are small camps set up around this area from humans who visited in the past. Those are still useful"

Albedo sighed, Y/n smiled "That's alright we'll make it work! sleeping under the stars doesn't sound bad at all! plus the sky is really clear tonight" the bird nodded her long head "You had always enjoyed the starry night.."

"Before you go, i have one more thing to ask" Y/n in took a sharp breath as her wings slowly shrunk into her back again, the cold breeze hitting the bare skin. "I don't remember what put me into a deep sleep for five hundred years so if you know anything about that, it would be lovely if you could tell me"

The adepti stretched, "I was told it was a great battle, us adepti were informed that you had been killed by none other then you own creation though we were not told what or who that is. the aftermath of that fight created the state that Dragonspine is now in, one does not know the story in detail if the anemo archon was still around surely he would answer your questions"

Albedo and Y/n shared a glance, "Thanks, any information is welcome!"

"good night Y/n, and you better watch yourself mortal, one will not hesitate to throw you off the mountain if you lay a single hand on her" Y/n laughed as the adepti returned to her abode, then yawned.

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