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Name: Sebastian Sancoeur
Age: 37 years
Gender: male
Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: Cold, Emotionless, Sarcastic, Blunt, Quick-witted, CleverSpecies: wolfJob: CEO of a fashion companyEducation: college level educationS/O: n/aChildren: has a son named Alexander

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Personality: Cold, Emotionless, Sarcastic, Blunt, Quick-witted, Clever
Species: wolf
Job: CEO of a fashion company
Education: college level education
S/O: n/a
Children: has a son named Alexander. He's 13 years old
Fun facts:
-His wife died while in childbirth
-He is very distant from his son and often leaves him to be cared for by his assistant
-He visits his wife's grave every sunday


#1: You were Sebastian's assistant. You had been for years, you had watched him get married to his wife and you had been there when they announced her pregnancy. And you had been there at the funeral. You had cared for his son the best an assistant could. But over the past years you had started to fall for the man. Although he was cold and emotionless, he was also clever and had an aurora of kindness. Now you were walking through his large mansion, looking for his son when you saw him sitting in one of the soft chairs, his head resting on his hand as he heaved a heavy sigh. You?

#2: You were a model, you had been for a while now. You were rather popular as you were rather attractive and everything you wore looked lovely. Recently you had been contacted by your agent asking if you'd like to model for the Sancoeur company. You of course accepted because their clothes were incredibly popular at the moment. You had just arrived at where you were supposed to model at when you saw a handsome wolf standing there talking to a younger looking wolf. He looked up and spotted you. You?

#3: Make it up!

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