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Name: Issac Adams
Age: 17 years
Gender: male
Sexuality: Pansexual

Personality: Sly, Manipulative, Sarcastic, Short-tempered, Humorous Species: Albino ferret  Job: Works at a local fast food place Education: Currently a senior in high school S/O: n/aChildren: n/aFun facts:-He is well-known as a stoner kid -He's i...

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Personality: Sly, Manipulative, Sarcastic, Short-tempered, Humorous
Species: Albino ferret 
Job: Works at a local fast food place
Education: Currently a senior in high school
S/O: n/a
Children: n/a
Fun facts:
-He is well-known as a stoner kid
-He's incredibly intelligent, but skips class often to hang out with friends
-He is rather small, standing at 5"5 and slouches quite often


#1: You had recently moved two a new high school, which was significantly larger than your old one. There were so many new faces, terrifyingly large animals—both predator and prey—and plenty of very mean students who got off to torturing the new kid. You had barely managed to escape their antics by stumbling into an empty stairwell when a very familiar pungent smell. A ferret, whom you had never seen before, began to cough. Through his coughs he managed a, "Holy shit hi," he held out his free hand. He gave you a smile, "Don't snitch? I'm Issac," he then introduced himself, you?

#2: (Same start as before) Since that first encounter, you two became best friends. You had similar interests and had similar humor. He was like your other half you never knew you lost. But you couldn't help but be disappointed in him as the end of the school year approached. You knew he was smart, he was so, so smart but he lacked ambition. You had already been accepted into university but he hadn't even thought about applying to any. You knew he could do great things regardless of what he pursued after high school. If he only applied himself. One evening, you two were hanging out in his basement while his friends were away. Isaac gave a heavy sigh and linked your fingers through his, which was fairly common, before asking if you two would stay friends after you went to a "fancy shmancy college". You?

#3: Make it up!

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