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Over a month had passed since Lali's rescue and Simone fully accepted her life as the lead Davidson, operating as the primary on business while Sean took a step back to focus on healing physically and emotionally.

The day after she returned from Miami, Simone sat down with Char and Grace to tell them that she oversaw the biggest crime syndicates in the region. She didn't go into much detail about her work or mention the Council, but she explained that she wanted to tell them because of the potential dangers it could pose for them. She also made clear to them that the Davidsons were rarely in conflict and that what happened with Lali was unique.

Grace wanted to maintain their friendship, but with the caveat that Simone be open with her moving forward and warn her if there are any conflicts that could put her in more danger. Char, on the other hand, was mostly unfazed, having already figured out that the Davidsons were involved in something given their relationship with the Rossi brothers and was just relieved to know it had nothing to do with them being in debt to the Rossis. It also turned out that she was a distant cousin of Dwayne Smith - a connection they hadn't previously made since Char wasn't involved with the Smith family's business.

"So... Does Luca call it a 'cock'?" Char asked with a raised brow, sitting across from Simone. After a day of pampering, they returned to her apartment for a late lunch.

"Girl!" Simone burst out laughing, shaking her head. "You asked me the same question when I started fucking Em."

"Hey, I was just curious..." Char raised both her hands and shrugged. "So, you really with both of them now?"

"I am." Simone nodded confidently.

"And how is that? Do your coochie ever get a break?"

"You are a mess!" exclaimed an amused Simone. "Honestly... it's bomb. But it do feel like they share cheat codes to my pussy or some shit. It's like Em will learn something and then Luca does it and vice versa... I don't know what I've gotten myself into."

"Sounds like heaven to me!" Char chimed with a wink. "You do seem extra happy, though, and I know it's not just the sex."

"It's not," Simone quickly replied as a grin grew on her face. "It's so much more than that... Luca and Em... I love them," she admitted with a beaming smile. "They are both so good to me and they both feel so right for me. What I feel for them... It's scary, but it's easy at the same time. Unlike with Hector, I don't have to find reasons to love them... I love them as they are."

"Damn, girl! Look at you getting all poetic and shit!"

"I'm serious!" Simone replied. "And I feel it so genuinely that I want to be the one to say it first."

"Whoa," Char gasped. "Seriously?"

"Yup! Those men make me feel like I'm so easy to love - even if we haven't said it yet - and I want them both to know that I feel the same way about them."

"Shit... Are you gonna propose to them or something?"

To that question, Simone was taken aback. "Hell no! I think me saying it first is progressive enough for my taste," she giggled.

"Alright, girl! I was just curious... I am happy for you, though. You already know how much I like Em, and with Luca, I don't know him like that, but I don't imagine Em would be willing to share if he wasn't good to you too."

"I'm happy, too. I really am."

"So, when are you planning to tell them?"

"Well... We have a vacation coming up next month, right..."

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