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It had been a month since Syd agreed to reenter the lifestyle she'd spent 10 years running from. Her parents promised a few months for her to transition into it and learn the ropes while she could also continue her career as a photographer. Managing her new double-life became increasingly difficult. Lali's wedding date was approaching and Syd needed to handle her maid-of-honor duties, Hector wouldn't leave her the fuck alone, she had a number of fall shoots scheduled, and she seemed to be running into Emiliano more often.

"So, when are you just going to admit that you're stalking me?" Syd said annoyed as she walked into the bodega to see Emiliano chatting up Celia.

"I'm doing no such thing, sweetheart. Celia has the best chopped cheese in the city," he winked.

"Yeah, of course," Syd said sarcastically as she rolled her eyes and started down one of the aisles.

Emiliano followed behind. "So, you ready for me to take you out?"

Syd admitted to herself that if she wasn't so attracted to him, she'd be turned off by his persistence and his borderline stalker behavior. She'd seen him once a week at this bodega since that night at the club and she assumed he figured out her routine. But what could she expect from a man who has always had the power to get whatever he wants?

She hadn't been to any meetings yet as a Davidson and didn't say anything to Emiliano or anyone else about her true identity, so he was in the dark about the fact that she'll soon be revealed as his boss.

"Es muy guapo, no?" Celia said to Syd when she reached the counter with her items. [He's very handsome, no?]

"Claro que si. Pero me molesta." [Of course. But he annoys me.]

"Porque le gustas." [Because he likes you.]

"Obvio," Syd scoffed. [Obviously.]

Celia shook her head. "Dale una oportunidad, mami." [Give him a chance.]

"Right! Give me a chance," Emiliano said leaning on the counter.

"You speak Spanish?" Syd asked surprised.

"Of course. It's pretty easy to pick up after Italian and Celia and I always practice."

Syd pouted and looked at Celia. "You set me up."

Celia giggled and handed Syd her bagged items. "Emiliano has paid for you already."

"Of course he has, just like he has all month," Syd said agitated. "If you're such a rich man, why not pay for people other than me, like those who actually can't afford it?"

"You know what? That's a great idea," Emiliano said pulling out his phone. "Celia, would $100,000 cover your customers over the next month?"

Both Syd and Celia gawked.

"Oh, no!" Celia said nervously. "That's far too generous. I couldn't possibly -"

"That's great. It should cover the next month, I guess." Syd interrupted and then turned to Celia. "Why pray for blessings if you're not ready to receive them?" she questioned with a smile.

"I'll get it wired to you..."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Celia beamed. "Whatever you want, just let me know."

"Oh, I know exactly what I want," Emiliano said with his eyes intent on Syd.

"You can text me the details for our date and I'll let you know if it works for my schedule," Syd said as she walked out the door. "I'm sure your stalking ass has a way to get my number."

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