1 - John B and Sarah are gone

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The three teens anxiously sit under the tent watching the officers frantically searching for their best friend and his girl friend.

Officers kept on running in and out of the tent glancing at them every now and again,  JJ was sat on the chair fiddling with all of his rings and bracelets as he bubbled with anger.

Pope was on the other end staring out into the ocean wondering if he would ever see his best friend again.

And Kiara the only girl, was sat in the middle of the 2 boys looking down into her lap with teary eyes.

They were all dreading the news that was soon to come to them. They knew it was coming but they still had a tiny bit of hope left.


I can't believe those assholes framed John B for something he didn't do, I'm gonna make sure they pay the full price for what they have done. And as for ward and his bitchy ass son, I want revenge. They really think they can just put all their shit on us and get away with it!?

I was playing around with my rings and bracelets because it was the only thing that is stopping me from going up and beating the shit out of those officers. I was that mad at them for how dirty they've played us the last few years. And now they pulled the final straw... Possible killing my best friend.

But to be honest anger was the cover up for how terrified I am of having to go back home to my dad. He is literally gonna beat me to death when he finds out about the boat.

I shook of the thought and looked to my left to see my friends who are pretty much like my family.  Kie was staring down into her lap and it was obvious that tears were about to spill from her chocolatey eyes.

I quickly grabbed her hand
"Kie it will be ok, I promise" I said trying to comfort her.

She just nodded letting a tear roll down her cheek.
I don't think I sounded very convincing but I tried.

I looked over her shoulder and saw Pope who's eyes were fixated to outside the tent towards the water. I noticed that his leg was shaking like crazy.
"you alright there bud?" I called out to him,

"Mhm yeah" he replied quickly snapping out of his trance, but there was no missing the crack in that voice.

I sighed and threw myself back against the hard ass chair feeling the anger starting to bubble again.

Just than officer shithead also known as Shoupe walked in. He was wearing a grave expression and running a hand through his sandy hair.

{ Narrator POV }

Kiara, Pope and JJ instantly shot out of there seats and looked at him expectently. He just sighed and said
"we lost them...sorry"

"Lost them?" Pope panicked "what do you mean you lost them, l-like they're gone?"
"They took an open boat into a tropical depression, Pope" Shoupe answered.

"So they're dead?" Kiara interrupted
"We don't know for sure." He half snapped

"You drove them straight through the storm man!" JJ snapped "YOU DID THIS!" he yelled throwing himself at the officer trying to hit him anywhere he could.

"JJ!" Kie yelled as 2 other officers had to hold him back as he was still struggling and kicking out.
"I'm gonna kill you!" He screeched.

"You knew he didn't do shit" Pope screamed at Shoupe "he didn't kill Peterkin!" "Yet you still had to chase him!"
"Pope please" Kiara begged pulling him back with tears running down her face.

Just then Kie's mom and dad had arrived and started running into the tent embracing their daughter into a hug " he's gone" she sobbed into their shoulders.

Pope's parents also arrived at the same time and ran at Pope and pulled him into a massive hug.

Even after everything they've done, their parents still find it in their heart to love and protect their child. But for JJ that sadly wasn't the case.

JJ, now that the officers had let go of him was standing in the middle of the tent watching Kie and Pope being embraced by their parents, tears were threatining to spill over.

But then Heyward beckoned him over and yanked blonde haired boy into the hug aswell.

Pope turned away after a few moments and threw his arms round a sobbing Kiara.

"It's okay, we will be okay" Pope comforted her.
No we really won't JJ thought to himself...

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