46 - The Raven Haired Boy

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{ Kiara POV }

That's it we've lost everything, literally everything. I've lost all of my friends, my boyfriend and my family, all the things that I loved most are gone. There is no more Pogues. JB's and Sarah's death caused our whole lives to self destruct.

Its been just over 2 weeks since that massive ass argument.

I was sat at the back of the class with these bithces, yes I've become "friends" with the cheerleading girls. They're all backstabbing bitches anyways, they literally talk shit on eachother all the time and they're so fake.

Honestly my old friends were so much better and I really miss them but JJ fucked everything up.

I feel like I over-reacted but at the same time he did nearly kill us just because he wanted money which he didn't even need. It was probably for his ongoing weed supply or beer.

He was going completely off the rails and we needed to cut loose with him because it just felt like he was dragging us down. I was trying so hard to get through it and I wanted to get all of us through, but now I realise that some people just can't be helped.

JJ is a lost cause.

And now I thought about it all that stuff on the beach was bullshit, I realised that was the same night he robbed that old fucker.

{ Pope POV }

I felt terrible for what we did to JJ especially as he's really struggling, but at the time I prioritised Kiara. I took her side and left just after she did all because I didn't want to lose her as my girlfriend, but it was all for nothing because we're over.

She broke up with me straight after that argument, and now I've lost not just her as a girlfriend but a friend too and I've also lost JJ.

I looked amongst the people I was sat with, yes we're similar in interests but these just aren't my people. I'm not meant to be with people who are similar to me, they're nice and all but they're even nerdier than me. I met them at maths club and I guess we just started hanging out.

JJ was less fortunate, he's forced to come in and everyday he just looks worse and worse. He sits on his own right at the back when he can and just stares out the window, not doing anything.

He used to be so social in school, he would talk to like everyone and he was an easy person to talk to. But now he's just pulled himself away from everyone and everything.

He's not doing well and I know it, I've also heard word around the island that Barry's out looking for him. And the police are still surrounding all borders because the gold hunter risk has increased.

{ JJ POV }

I'm so fucking fed up, why do I have to be here? Why am I even alive? Everyone hates me, and I don't blame them because of how screwed up I am in the head.

The tapping of the pencil grew louder and louder.

When was the last time I was even sober? What if-

"JJ... JJ!" I suddenly snapped out of my thoughts at the mention of my name .

"What are you doing? Stop tapping the pencil and pay attention to my lesson" she scolded

I just nodded lightly, barely even moving my neck muscles.

She just sighed before turning back to the class.

"Right we're gonna be getting into partners for this topic, remember I want an accurate presentation on the process of osmosis"

"Ugh" I groaned, banging my head onto the table

"You have one minute to choose who your working with or I will choose for you"

I didn't move from my seat.
"JJ..." she glared her small rat-like eyes at me.

"What?" I snapped

"The instructions were simple, find someone to work with"

"Can't I just work on my own?" I asked in annoyance

"No, the point of this is that it's a joint presentation" she replied

"Whatever" I muttered, slamming my head back down.

"Right then, lets see who hasn't got a partner... Ah Ethan!" Her voice suddenly rose.

The boy flinched at the mention of his name.

Ethan? Oh yes the boy that doesn't talk and never shows any skin. Most people forget he even exists because he's at the back of every class, never making a sound and always has his hood up anyways. I don't even see him at recess, he probably just goes somewhere else to be alone.

"You two are going to work together, please move to go sit with JJ" she ordered

The small, skinny boy meekly stood up and slowly treaded towards me lightly sittin on the chair next to me. I don't know what happened but I suddenly felt a connection to him, as if we're similar in some way.

I looked up and gave him a small smile but he quickly looked away not wanting to make eye contact.

I observed him and noticed he was wearing a black hoodie with the hood up (obviously) and grey sweatpants. His raven black hair was coming out from under his hood and little strands were covering his crystal blue eyes. His striking eyes didn't match his pale skin and dark hair, they were really bright and quite big.

"Uh hey" I said, if this was anyone else in the class then I would of been absolutely horrified at the idea of having to socialise with them, but this boy... he's different. There's definitely something up with him.

He cleared his throat "hi" he said barely above a whisper. I was surprised at how soft his voice was, I was expecting it to be some sort of deep raspy voice but it's the exact opposite.

We didn't really do much the entire lesson, we basically just sat around not really talking much. But I did notice that he was quite jumpy with nearly every movement or sound I made.

I was suspicious but I don't want to jump to conclusions yet.

I feel like I need to make it my personal mission to help him, and I think I know what causes him to act like that, so I know how it feels. I was lucky enough to have friends who helped me, but Ethan seemed less fortunate with that.

Hey guys, short chapter Ik but I just wanna say that I feel like this is completely moving off the plot of obx. Like the real season 2 probably won't go anything like mine has gone or about to go. I'm 99.9% sure that what's going to happen is not going to be in the series.

Nywaysss, how are y'all doing? Better? I hope. Remember that you are so loved and that life is worth living

~ Lexi

SCARS | 𝖠𝖿𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖲𝖾𝖺𝗌𝗈𝗇 1 𝖮𝖻𝗑Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora