52 - He's alive!

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{ Pope POV }

"Shut up" I said in disbelief "you did not see JJ"

"I'm pretty sure it was"

"Well where was he?" I asked with a hand on my hip

"Like around the alleyway near your dad's shop" she said

"No... I don't believe that"

"Pope I swear to you it sounded exactly like him"

"I'll agree when I see it" I replied stroppily

"Please just get the hell out my room, why did you even come here in the first place?" I questioned

"I-I wanted to try and sort some shit out with you again, but I didn't expect to bump into some hooded person who sounds exactly like JJ!"

"Sh shhh keep your voice down" I whispered

"Okay I'm sorry for everything i did, I really am but please... We fix this relationship and then maybe we'll find JJ and everything will be alright again" she suggested

I just shook my head
"Kie I'm sorry but they're gone... all three of them, your still in denial just grow the fuck up and accept it!" I almost snapped towards the end

"JJ is not gone, you know what he's like he doesn't go down easy. Please Pope we can save him..."

"We don't even know where he is!" I whisper yelled

"We found fucking 400 million dollars worth of gold, I'm certain we'll be able to find JJ" she snapped back

"No we are not doing this again the last time we tried to have some big mission two of are friends ended up dead! Who's gonna die next? Come on Kie you and me are the last ones left..."

"Don't be an asshole!" She whispered aggressively "your best friend is out there and you won't even help him! Yes I know I fucked up and that I caused all this shit but now I'm willing to fix it. SO PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, HELP ME POPE!"

"Nobody has seen him yet, not even the police have found him and you really think we're gonna be the ones to find him?" I whispered frustratedly

"This was the same with the gol-"

"Stop talking about the fucking gold!" I snapped "Just get out...please " I shooed her away and she returned this with evils.

"Okay look Kiara, once I'm convinced he's alive then I'll help" I compromised

She rolled her eyes and jumped back down the window.

I felt terrible but to be honest I just feel pretty numb at this point, I've barely gotten over JB's and Sarah's death so there's no way I'm getting over JJ's any time soon

I know Kie's trying to make it up to md but there's really no point if it's just us left. I think we need to start from fresh; new friends, new life, new everything.

{ Kiara POV }

I slumped down onto my desk and looked over to JJ's empty one, it's become a habit now every morning I look there as if I'm expecting to see him sat there twiddling his pen.

At least it was a Friday, but the most depressing thing is that it's Christmas break next week, and for as long as we've been friends we haven't spent a single Christmas without JJ.

I'm pretty sure that I did see him last night, I'm almost certain that it's him. I'm making it my own personal mission to bring that boy home before Christmas..

My head was on the table when I heard the sound of the door being quitely creaked open, I couldn't be assed to lift me head off the table but I was forced to when I heard gasps and the noise of the room growing.

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