54 - Rescue

682 17 11

{ Pope POV }

"JJ!" Kiara yelled, trying to open the door whilst the van was still moving.

"No Kie, the best we can do for him right now is get help! Okay?" I shouted frantically

"But JJ he-he's gonna get killed"

"Kiara he's right, we wouldn't of been able to save him. If we tried we'd all have been shot. Trust me the only option we have now is to get him help"

She broke down sobbing

"Hey, hey he'll be alright. That kids strong, you know him. And we don't know for sure if those bullets hit him.

"This is my fault, all of this. I-I started it and now JJ is literally- we can't lose another one"

"I know I know, look we're nearly there. We'll get Shoupe and they'll go in guns a blazing and get that bastard in jail. And JJ will be fine"

"We don't know that" she sniffled


{ JJ POV }

I pulled the trigger and all the remaining bullets hit the tree.

"You little shit" he seethed

"Fuck, fuck" I spluttered, as he kept bringing it down on me.

"I'm sorry okay, I'm s-sorry please just stop" I screamed

"Argh" he growled, slamming his fist on the jeep. "Fuck! I gotta get you outta here, the coppers are sure to be coming"

I was sobbing and shaking as my whole body was in agony. I looked down again, shit, I'm almost certain that im gonna be losing that leg.

He grabbed me by the collar, violently lifting me up and chucked me into the back of his jeep.

"Your lucky I didn't kill you" he hissed

I'm probably gonna die anyways, I was ghostly white and my eye lids were getting heavier and heavier.

{ Kiara POV }

"I swear to god Shoupe, he-he was just here. Barry must've taken him somewhere" I stuttered worriedly

"Are you sure that this isn't just some made up story? Nobody's seen that kid in weeks and the first day he shows up you tell me that y'all was in a gun battle with this kidnapper?"

"Yes that's exactly what we're saying" I snapped

"Why do you not believe us officer?" Pope persisted

"Please... Just help us look for him" I begged

He sighed "Alright, everyone in the trucks! Split up and find him"

Pope and I jumped into the car and headed straight for Barry's

"Fuck what if he killed him and dumped the body somewhere?" I panicked

"Kie! Just stop worrying okay"

We searched the whole place and no sign of him at all
"SHITTT" Pope yelled, kicking the chair

I paused to think
"Pope, Pope hey listen. Do you uh- do you remember me that house in fox forest, the one you and me went to?"

"Uh..yeah" he furrowed his eyebrows "what has that got to do with anything?"

"Okay well while we were there we saw a shit ton of drugs right, and at the time there was a jeep outside. Well now I realise that it's Barry's jeep"

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