55 - Life Support

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{ Kiara POV }

JJ's been in hospital the past three days and he still hasn't woken up. They say he's gone into a medically induced coma after performing CPR on him to bring him back.

They're still unsure if he's ever going to wake up but by law you have to keep the life support on for at least 14 days. After that they said they're going to have to turn it off and let him die just because he hasn't got any family left, or willing to pay to keep it on.

They just don't want to waste medical expenses on him because he's a Pogue.

We've already offered to pay for it but we weren't allowed because 1) we're minors and 2) we're not his legal guardians.

I just hope with all my heart that he wakes up before the times over.


"Hey kids" Deputy Shoupe came swinging round the door frame of the Chatue
"I-uh... how's JJ?" He asked

We sighed "he's in a coma"

"Oh..." he looked guilty

"Yeah we'll just pretend that this isn't your fault eh?" I snapped

"Look I'm sorry okay? But he had no pulse. He was essentially dead so there was no point in wasting medical suppl-"

"Are you serious!?" I boomed "if that was some kook rather then JJ you'd have sent them off straight away to get them the finest treatment, regardless of whether they had a pulse or not. You just think he's just a dirty, criminalistic Pogue that's worth nothing! Not even worth attempting to save!"

"Hey, hey calm down. I never said that" Shoupe tried to defend himself

"You basically did" Pope added

Shoupe rubbed his forehead

"Your on a roll sir, first you got two of our best friends killed in that storm and now you've nearly killed JJ too" I yelled

"He's lucky that we managed to get him to the hospital on time, and we may still lose him anyways if he doesn't wake up by the 14th day." Pope quivered with anger

"Alright alright, look if he's not up within the limit I will think about paying to keep him on life support a little longer. Okay?"

"Thankyou but it's not like a few days is gonna change much" I complained

"Take it or lose it" and with that he walked back out


The next day

My phone started ringing and I turned it on to see it was an unknown number. Who the hell calls me at 4 in the fucking morning?

I declined it.
It's too early for this spam bullshit.

I tried to go back to sleep when a few minutes later it rung again.

"Ugh" I picked up the phone "what do you wa- oh, oh sorry... Wait really? Holy shit I'm coming right now"

I got up and raced into the living room
"Pope, Pope get your ass up we need to get to the hospital. JJ's awake" I said excitedly

"What?" He answered sleepily "whats the time?"

"It's 4am but that doesn't matter, just get changed quick" I ordered, pulling the bed covers off him

We both got ready in less then 10 minutes and jumped into the van.

I haven't seen JJ at all since he got loaded up into the ambulance a few days ago.


"Wait so your telling me I died...TWICE!?"
He seemed almost proud of the fact he basically died.

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