15 - "Is that a hickey?"

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{ JJ POV }

"Kie what the fuck!" I shouted running towards her and kicking the rope into the water.
"JJ! what the hell is wrong with you!" She snapped and hastily stood up.

I was spiralling, I can't handle ropes unless I know what someones gonna do with them.

I'm very paranoid with things like that, I'm scared that people I care about will hurt themselves, I don't want them to leave me. But if the question is about me than my honest answer is : I don't give a fuck.

"That ro-"
"-Was for tying down the boat" she finished my sentence
"Wait what"

"Oh my god did you really think I was gonna - why would you even think that?" She asked
I felt so stupid.
"I don't know" I replied sheepishly.

Pope face palmed himself.
"Sorry about him, you know what he's like" Pope said shaking his head.

She kept her face turned from us but I could see a bit of her right cheek that was stained with tears. She had obviously been crying.

"Why are you here, Kie? Your phsyco dad wanted to kill us" I exclaimed.
"You went to The Wreck?"
"Yeah, we were looking for you"

"Kie can you look at us?" Pope asked gently.
She didn't comply but she did start talking.

"I didn't want to go home so I just, you know went for a walk and than I came here. And now all I can think about - is John B. I fucking miss him" she sniffled.
"I'm sorry Pope, I know we agreed to try and forget about it but I just can't"

"It's okay" he whispered.
"So your telling me it took you 7 whole fukcing hours. Come on Kie what did you actually do" I enquired further.

I noticed some visible hand marks on her neck.

"Wait what's that on your neck" I asked stepping closer.
"Kiara turn around, right now" I ordered

"Kie please" Pope begged
She didn't reply.
Pope gently held her chin and turned her face round .
"Holy shit"

"Who did this to you?" Pope demanded.

Her eyebrow had a small cut on it and there was some dried blood on it. She had hand marks around her neck but the worst part was she had a small circular bruise just under her jaw.

"Is that a hickey?" Pope asked outraged.
"Please Pope don't get mad, I swear I didn't want him to, okay"

"So somebody JUMPED YOU!?" He shouted in absolute fury

"Relax, Pope really fine it's just a tiny bruise"
"Who had their filthy little mouth sucking onto you" Pope raged.

"Kie it's not okay, your neck has fucking hand marks round it aswell! Was it Rafe? Did he try strangle you?" I spiralled.

She shook her head.
I could tell she was lying.

"Cut the bullshit Kie, I know your lying. Who the hell did it!" I repeated raising my voice angrily.
"If I tell you who your just gonna make things worse by going after him"

"What! do you really think we're just gonna let this slide" Pope exclaimed.
"Pogues don't keep secrets" I reminded her.

"Your the one to talk" she retorted
"Hey, what do you mean!?"

"You know exactly what I mean JJ! You lied to us for like 2 fucking years and you would of still continued to be lying if we hadn't worked it out!"

"I - Kie seriously, that's different" I protested.

"Ok ok guys stop" Pope interrupted our argument "Can we like, not do this now".
"I agree" I said
"Fine" Kie huffed.

{ Kiara POV }

I don't want to tell them what actually happened because it's really fucked up. I wouldn't even think Rafe would be brave enough to do that, especially after last time when JJ threatened to shoot him with a gun.

I slightly lied to JJ and Pope when I said I went for a walk and than came here.

What actually happened was I left the chatue about the same time the boys were leaving to go see Heyward. I went the short way back to the The Wreck which was through the town but than Rafe came back for a round 2.

I shuddered.

"You don't have to tell us if you really don't want to Kie, but we have to get you back to your parents or else they're gonna have our heads on the damn grill" Pope explained
"Damn straight" JJ added.

"How am I gonna go back with a hickey!?"
"You can blame it on me" JJ said sounding confident.
"Or me" Pope added

"No guys, if I say it was one of you they'll never let me see you again." I stated.
"Good point, but wouldn't a grilled JJ be quite nice" Pope said jokingly.

I let out a small giggle.
"Bad timing bro" JJ cockily raised his eyebrow.

"We can go back to the chatue and -" JJ began.
"-No we have to take her back" Pope interrupted.
"Let me finish talking Pope!" He screamed angrily.
"Ok chill"

"So as I was saying before dickwad here interrupted me -"
"- just get to the point, JJ" I said frustratedly
"Ok ok, we can go back to the chatue and Kie maybe you have some like foundation or something you can put on"

"That's a good idea but I don't have any makeup at the chatue it's only at my house"

"Well shit" Pope remarked.
But JJ didn't give up.

"Wait I have some foundation at my house" he exclaimed.
"What- why do you have makeup JJ" I asked trying to hold back a laugh.
"Yeah JJ, that's a little sus" Pope added.

"It doesn't matter" he quickly said.

I still had to ask even though I knew why. He used to wear it to cover up some bruises, it was noticeable because he was so terrible at blending it in but I never said a word about it.

He hasn't worn it in nearly 2 years though.

"You aren't gonna be going back to your house bud" I said patting his shoulder.

"We'll work it out later, let's head back now it's getting kinda late and your mum and dad are probably freaking out" Pope said.
"You little pussy" JJ taunted.
"Excuse me -" Pope placed a hand on his hip.

I rolled me eyes. Here we go again.

Sorry guys I know that this chapter is really sloppy, I didn't want to keep y'all in suspense so I wrote it really quick.
I'll try make the next few chapters better.

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