47 - The Hooded Figure

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{ JJ POV }

I've been on my own for two weeks and it's caused drastic changes in my personality. I miss them but I know they won't take me back after everything I've done and to be honest I don't blame them. I'll stay away from them and let them move forward. I was holding them back and now I need to let them heal, I know I'm getting worse and worse but atleast I'm not dragging people down with me anymore.

Their words kinda hurt me but I can't deny it when it's all true...

I wanted to become friends with Ethan but at the same time I know what I'm like and I'm hesitant to bringing people into my life. Yes I know, I have major daddy issues.

I don't even have a proper fucking home anymore, the chatue's all smashed up and I haven't been assed nor can afford, to fix it. Most of the time I find myself being back at home trying to stay clear of my dad.


The school bell rang for the end of the day
"Thank the fucking lords" I groaned

"Uh actually JJ can you stay behind for a sec" the geography teacher ordered.

I rolled my eyes but stayed standing behind my chair, Kie glared at me as she walked out so I shot her one back.

"Kiara out, please!" Mr Tanner snapped at her .
"Alright, alright" she muttered, exiting the room.

I looked down to the floor as he let out a deep sigh.
"What's going with you, eh?"

"What do you mean?" I replied quietly

"You know what I mean, your not doing any work, your not paying attention in class, I could never get you to shut up before but now your just... quite."

I nodded "yeah I know that sir"

"So what are you gonna do about it?" He questioned

"Nothing" I shrugged

He ran a hand through his hair "I know that John B was your best friend, okay?"

Just hearing his name made me tense up.

"I get it but it's nearly December it's been over 3 months and you have to move forward, you have the lowest gpa in your year you're fai-"

"How the fuck am I supposed to move on?" I snapped


"No don't "hey" me! He was everything to me and when he died everything fell apart, I haven't even got any fucking friends anymore!" I snapped, anger rushing through me.

"Yes I've noticed that your tight knit group haven't been so... well, close anymore. I'm not sure whether that's to do with your pal passing away or if it's something else" he said calmly

I felt stupid for spilling infront of my goddamn teacher but I've been holding it in for a while and he just pulled the trigger.
(Foreshadow 🥴)

"Can I just go now" I interrupted

"Not yet-"

"Whatever" I said rushing past him and out the door.

I inhaled deeply, what has my life come to?


Winter in the Outer Banks wasn't exactly pleasant, it never snows instead it just gets extremely windy and the air gets fucking freezing.

When of course it had to start bucketing it down with rain.
"Shit" I said zipping up my hoodie and starting the mile walk back home. I really need to get my own car.

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