12 - Comrades

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{ JJ POV }

I woke up again from the pain of my sore head and torso. I kept on jolting awake about every hour or so. It's not a nice feeling. It's gonna be like this every morning for like the next week or so. My left eye feels like it's being gouged out, and I can feel my pulse on my throbbing head. Everything was sore and achy.

I rubbed my temples. Well today is the day I see Pope's dad. Im really scared I know that he's gonna ask about my dad but I'm not sure what it's about. I felt sick thinking about it.

I just gotta keep my cool and answer him without stumbling. I'm good at that, I'm really good at lying so why am I so nervous for today.

I looked at my small crappy phone and it said the time is 10 am. So I got up and went to the bathroom and washed my face with the ice cold water, it's a good pain reliever.

I than had a shower and got dressed in John B's clothes yet again. Today it's white shorts, a grey shirt and a burgundy hoodie. And of course I need a cap so I chose a faded red one.

John B has a lot of caps but not as many as me. Most of the caps I have are stolen. I can't help it though, it's not like I could afford to buy the hundreds of caps I own.

So I did my hair the same as I did yesterday. Covering my forehead with my - luckily - thick hair and placing the cap on top. And as for my black eye and the other small bruises I can't really do anything about those.

{ Pope POV }

I woke up on the sofa and I looked over at the old barely-working clock and it says the time is 10:30am. I swung my legs over and I could hear someone was in the bathroom.

I walked up to the bathroom and knocked on the door
"JJ is that you?" I called
"Yeah, uh you can come in" he replied

I opened the door and I saw him fixing his hair. He was pulling his hair forwards ontop of his forehead. Practically covering all the bruises, but you could still a bit of it peeking out from the side.

"Hey" JJ said not looking away from the mirror.
"Did you sleep alright" I asked
"Mhm, fine" he replied.
"Why do I not believe you" I said with a raised eyebrow.
JJ just turned and glared at me.
"I said I slept fine, okay?" He retorted.
I noticed the dark circles under his eyes. I know that the left eye has a big bruise, so you can't tell if he has dark circles or not but I can tell by his right eye.

"Sorry I didn't mean it to come out that way" he said lowly.
"Don't worry"

"So now it's my turn to ask you" he spoke while turning back to the mirror
"How did you sleep"
"Pretty good actually" I replied
"Next time I'll sleep on the sofa" JJ announced.
"We'll see" I smiled, and walked out leaving him to finish doing his hair and hat.

I went up to Kie's room and lightly knocked .
"JJ? Pope? You can come in" she called out.
I sauntered in and saw she was sat cross legged on the bed fiddling and trying to put on her bracelets. She was already changed and her beautiful wavy hair was brushed and loose.

"Morning Pope" she said beaming up at me.
I smiled back.
"Good morning sunshine" I chimed.
"Can you help me get this stupid thing on!" She frustratedly said.

"Sure" I said taking the 3 bracelets, they are really pretty she has a plain cream white beachy style one. I have no idea what they're called! And she also has two other ones: the first one is rose gold with a boat anchor charm and the other one is light blue with a green turtle on it.

I slipped them on her tanned wrists and clipped them on perfectly.

"Thanks" she said and stood up.
"You should get changed and ready" she added.
"Yeah okay, good idea" I responded leaving the room.

{ Narrator POV }

Once the three friends were ready they all went out onto the porch.
"So what's the plan for today" Kie asked while swinging on the hammock.
"Well JJ and I are going to my house for a bit, my dad wants to talk to him" Pope stated
JJ nodded.

"Ok that works then because I have to go home for a bit my mum and dad are probably gonna freak out" she stated.
"Ok than so that's sorted. JJ we'll go in about an hour okay. And Kie, save some food for us we might show up in the evening.
"Yes captain" Kie mocked standing up and saluting.

"Remember comrade, you'll get punished for not following orders" Pope smirked.
"Well then, in that case-" JJ started.
"-no no no, JJ shut up!" Pope quickly cut him off and gave him a playful shove.
"Shut the fuck up!" Kie said with a slight bit of sarcasm.
"Exactly" Pope said his smirk getting wider

Kie grabbed the tennis ball out of JJ's hands and threw it at Pope's face.
"Ow- Kiara" he complained, rubbing his head.

"That's what you get for having that dirty ass mouth of yours." She snickered.
"Good one Kie" JJ said going in for a high five but Kie quickly slapped his hand away.
"Your just as dirty! you know what? Your even worse!" she jokingly scolded.
"I'll take that as a compliment" he winked.
"Ugh, JJ why do you have to be such a flirt!" she exclaimed, crossing her arms mockingly.

But she couldn't stop herself from letting a smile crack onto her face.

After about 30 minutes of the three just joking around and being generally stupid, Kiara had to go home and soon Pope and JJ would be seeing Heyward.

"Bye Kie, remember we'll be there in the evening" Pope called out to her as she got in her car. She drove off sending pieces of dirt and dust flying around.

"You ready to go now" Pope asks him.
"Y-yeah, let's just get this over with" JJ muttered, swinging his bag over his shoulder.

"Dude don't worry about it, I will go along with whatever you say. It's your choice okay, you can choose truth or lie. Your really good at stuff like that" he reassured his best friend patting his shoulder.

They started walking the 20 minute walk to Pope's house.
JJ had no idea what Heyward wants to talk to him about. But he does know that it's about his dad, so that more than likely means it's going to be bad.

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