Summer Time

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Dahlia's POV:

(A few months before the school year)

Dear Principal Waller, 

I would love to attend Super Hero High. Thank you for the invite, and I will definitely enroll. I hope my friends are invited as well, and I'm looking forward to seeing you and the school. I hope that I can enhance my powers, and train to be the wonderful warrior, princess, and superhero that my mother turned out to be.

Sincerely, Princess Daphne(Dahlia), the next Wonder Woman

P.S. Will we be required to use our superhero names, or will we be allowed to use our given names? 

I look over the email before I send it. It looks fine. I click send and in a few minutes, I get a reply.

Dear Dahlia, 

I'm so glad that you have chosen to attend Super Hero High. And yes of course your friends have been invited to Super Hero High, I truly believe that you can become an amazing Wonder Woman just like your mother. 

To answer your question about how you will be addressed, the teachers will call you by your given names, however, on all of your timetables, it will state your superhero name. Unless of course, you have an older sibling which in your case you don't then your name will be on your timetables. But in your fourth year, you will be called by your superhero name. I look forward to seeing you soon.

Sincerely, Principal Waller

P.S. Please say hi to your mother for me. Thank you.

I finish reading the letter when I hear a voice from behind me. I turn around to see Milan one of the servants "Princess Daphne you have some visitors". "Of course Milan. I'll be right down," I say, "You know Dowager Hippolyta does not require you to address me directly," She says, "I'm aware. But I prefer to address you as you are also a person," I say. 

"Thank you," She says and excuses herself. I head downstairs, to see my mother, Sierra, Batgirl, Supergirl, Selina, Bianca, and Chiara. 

(A/N: A Dowager is what you call a queen, when their daughter takes over, or when they resign as queen. So it's basically the previous queen, or the mother of the queen)

"Hi," I say to all of them. "So what are we doing exactly," Bianca asks, "Well I thought since Batgirl, Bianca, Supergirl, and Selina flew here to visit us, I thought we should do something to celebrate.

"Oh, Wonder Woman," Chiara says with realization, "My mother gave this to me a few days ago, I believe it belongs to you, and I haven't used it. I'm not sure I want to have the power and be dishonest" She says holding up the Claw Of Deceit. 

"It's fine Chiara, you can keep it. And you don't have to be dishonest. It only makes you dishonest if you choose to let it take control of you." My mother explains. "You're a very sweet girl, and very unlike your mother. I believe that you will be able to control it" She says. 

"Now why don't we celebrate" She continues. Chiara puts the Claw Of Deceit back in her pocket, and we all head outside for a party. 

"This party even better if Hazel and Harley were here," Bianca says, "I agree. They would make this more interesting" Supergirl says. "So are you girls all going to Super Hero High?" Batgirl asks, "Yeah," I say, "Pretty sure," Chiara says, "Definitely," Selina says. 

"What are you girls most excited about?" Supergirl asks. "The different classes you can take," Bianca says, "Of course you would say that," Selina says, we all laugh at this comment. "What about you Dahlia?" Batgirl asks me, "I'm between the school itself, or not being so far from my friends," I say. 

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