What Do You Know

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A/N: This chapter is a bit more mature I guess you could say. It's a bit mean, so feel free to skip. The plot still makes sense if you skip it. It's just from an adult POV. And adults are more mature. Most of the time.

Supergirl's POV:

"Supergirl. You know something don't you?"

I look at him. "Why would you ask that?" I ask, "Because there's no way you wouldn't know anything," He tells me. "I'm just saying. What makes you think I know." I state. "That's like saying you don't know who your cousin-in-law is" I can tell he's getting annoyed.

"What makes you think I want to tell you," I ask him. "Supergirl you're being extremely difficult" He states. "From what I heard, your son was very difficult with his surprise attack on Super Hero High" I fire back. "It wasn't an attack!" "So you admit you had no intention of letting anyone know." He looks at me.

"Who is Superman's Daughter" He demands. "I'm not answering that" I reply. "So you know who it is," He asks, "I said I'm not answering that. For all you know, I could be lying" I tell him.

"Fine. How many children does Superman have?"


"How old is the eldest one"


"Do you know who Superman's wife and children are"


"Are you friends with them?"

"I'm friends with every hero. That doesn't help you"

"Answer it"


"Why am I even answering you?" I ask. I just realized he can do nothing to me. "One more question" He replies, "Maybe this is why your wife left you," I say knowing that's not true. "Stop!" He snaps. "What's the one question?" I ask unimpressed, "Is Superman's daughter at Super Hero High?" He asks, I think. "No" I answer. "No? Are you lying?" I look at him. "No" I answer. I'm not. I'm not technically wrong. Sierra isn't at Super Hero High.

"I'm going to see Kal. Them I'm leaving" I tell him. I exit the hallway we were in and check on my cousin.

"Hey Kal. You feeling okay?" I ask him. "Kind of. But I still don't remember anything. How is it even possible to wipe my memory?" He asks me. "I don't know. You and I are some of, if not, the strongest superheroes in the world, that's why you only lost some of your memory. Not all. We're strong, but we have one weakness" "Kryptonite," We both say at the same time.

"Do you think that's how they did it?" He asks me, "I don't know. I really don't know" I answer. "Kara. Do you think I could meet my niece and nephew?" He asks me. That shocked me. "I know there's something important about my child but I have no idea what it is and you and Bruce keep talking about it and I know you know everything," He tells me.

"I'll see if they can come to visit you. They have school right now, and if they came, they'd probably bring their friends, and one of them is Batman's daughter" I explain. "I know. It probably won't help me, but you said they know about what happened right?" I nod my head.

"What about the mission I was sent on. You said I spent many years on it, and it's still not done" He asks. "Kal, these years that you were on the mission, you were doing follow-up missions to find information and other stuff about this place. And you finally got everything and tried to attack, but turns out they had stuff you didn't know about and they wiped your memory" I explain.

"Supergirl we need you. Lena's back and up to no good" Wonder Woman radios to me through the com bracelets. "I'll be right there," I tell her, I hang up and turn to Kal. "Sorry I have to go," I tell him. "Before you leave can I ask you one final question?" He asks, "Of course" I reply.

"Does my family miss me?" He asks, "Kal what do you mean? Of course, we miss you. Martha calls me every day right after I check on you" I answer. "Kara. You know what I mean" He tells me. I think I'll let someone else answer that" I say dialling Wonder Woman.

"Hey, Supes where are you?" Wonder Woman asks me. "I'll be there in a sec. I'm with Superman right now" I tell her. She goes silent. "Kal can you tell me if you know who's voice this is?" I ask him. Wonder Woman seems to get the hint and says "Hi" Kal shakes his head. "It's familiar, but so are many things, and I don't remember those things" He answers.

"That's your wife" I answer. He looks at me. "I'll be at the battle in a sec, but Kal had a question. He wanted to know if his family missed him or not" I tell Wonder Woman. "Oh" Is all she could say.

"Well Kal, I definitely miss you, and I know our eldest daughter who just found out about you misses you and wants to check on you, but knows she can't. And as for our other daughter thinks about you all the time even though she doesn't know who you are yet" Wonder Woman replies. Kal nods seeming okay with that answer. "I'll see you, girls, in a few seconds," I tell her before hanging up.

"Thanks, Kara," He says to me before leaving. I give him a hug before flying over to the cords Wonder Woman sent me.

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