Team Meeting

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Dahlia's POV

When Samuel, Bianca, Brayden and I walk in, everyone's already there. "Why is he here?" Hannah, Bailey, Chiara, Shaela, and Fleta all ask simultaneously. 

"Anyone else freaked out by that?" Issac asks, "You'll learn to get used to it," River tells him. "It's kind of like your twintuition" He adds, "Twintuition?" Austin asks, "Twin intuition. Which we don't have" Iris replies glaring at River. 

"Brayden's helping us now" Sam states, "Maggie, Kiana. You're good. We're calling it off. Return to your priorities" I tell them. "Got it" "Okay" They reply. "Great. Time for a progress check" Samuel states. "Vehicle Team. Where are we at?" He asks. 

The structure is so far good. Shiro, Shae, and I ran some tests. It should be able to withstand about anything. Carlos and Ciana have been helping Bianca enhance the ship. Safe to say It's got the toughness of titanium and power of the sun" Barnett replies. 

"Good. How are the super suits? We need to ensure we're able breath in space, they're heatproof and freezeproof" I remind them. "Do not worry, we have got it all under control," Chiara tells me, "And they look quite stylish if I say to myself" Sydney adds. 

"Fi and I covered the science part and Haze well..." Fleta looks to Hazel, "I checked damage control!" She exclaims. "What?" Selina asks her, "She whacked suits over and over again with her hammer. The one her mom gave her" Chiara replies.

"Okay then. Research team. Any new updates?" Sam asks, We look to Jade, Iris and Issac, Felix, Fernandez, Madelyn, and Austin. The research team. "There's a giant power source in the center. We're not sure what it is but it has enough power to blackout Metropolis" Jade replies. Samuel and I both look at each other. "That's not great," We both say.

"Okay, finally tech team. Where's your progress at?" I ask, "Rachel and Maggie are using their powers to enhance the gear, River added advanced tech to the gear Hannah, Bails, and I designed." "Brooke helped us earlier but then Henna appeared. They're leaving for Atlantis," River adds. 

"Okay. Bianca, you and Brayden will help Sam, Lina, and I piece together the map and decode the descriptions" I command, "What?" Brayden asks confused, "We'll explain later. Everyone back to work" Samuel replies. "Dismissed," We both say and everyone exits the room leaving Selina, Bianca, Brayden, Samuel and I.

Kiana's POV

Mag and I fly toward the boy's dorms. Felix handed me his pair of keys while we were leaving so Maggie and I could get in. Everyone knew that we were still supposed to break into Brayden's room, except Brayden. 

We arrive in front of their dorm and I unlock it, we walk over to Brayden's room and Bianca texts us the code. Thankfully Bianca already disabled everything else when she broke in this morning. 

"Anything?" I ask Maggie who was scanning the room with her psionic powers. "Corner cabinet closest to us, second last drawer" She replies. While she continues scanning the room I walk to the cabinet and try to open it, but there's a high-tech lock on it. Of course. 

I pull out my sword and slash through the lock twice disabling it. I open the cabinet and inside there's a metal box. The box is also locked but it uses a basic lock that I use a bobby pin to open. 

"Hey, Mag. You might want to look at this" I tell her. I look around and find that she had disappeared. "Maggie?" I call out. The back walls slide open revealing Maggie as she's carrying a ton of weapons, and in that room, I can see that there are plenty more.

"Woah," I say as she puts them down gently. "These aren't like the weapons that we have. They're deadly" She tells me. "That's not the only thing. Show her the box and she gasps at what's inside. 

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