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Fiona's POV

"I figured it out!" My sister yells from below me on her bed. On the ship, the rooms are divided; each room isn't big, but it fits two people. Obviously, I would bunk with my sister/best friend. Most are. Then there's Iris. Who's bunking with her brother who is in her words always says "He's annoying, but he's my twin. My only brother and built-in best friend"

"Figured out what?" I ask her, "Who Felix likes. I know I said I wouldn't meddle and I respect his decision, and I do. But he did say I could try to figure it out." "You heard him Fi. In the dorms, remember. He said I could." "Never said you were wrong," I tell her.

I hop off the top bunk and sit on the ground across from her on her bed. "So who is it?" I ask. "Not so fast sis. I figured it out, now you have to try. Solve it like a detective. I'll give you the scene" She tells me. I sigh and laugh—typical Fleta. "Alright, we still have a few hours until we even get close to the premise. Shoot,"

"After take-off, Bailey and Carlos take over piloting while Daph and Samuel run some team meetings. Dahlia, Samuel, Felix, Fernandez, you, and I. They told us about the white rings" "Remember?"

"Our sisters received white lantern rings, if we're ever in grave danger call them immediately" I recall. "Right."

"She said "You four, can recharge each other. You need to partner up. Fleta with Felix, Fernandez with Fiona" Which is when Fernandez complained."

"He said "Why can't I partner up with Felix" To which Samuel replied, "Fernandez it makes more sense. We know you have enough energy to recharge your sister. Honestly, how could you not? You should be fine to recharge Fiona. Felix is stronger than Fiona. He'll be able to endure longer, All you have to do is take breaks in between and let Fleta recharge you" He explained."

"Felix told him, "Yeah, but it also makes sense for Fleta and Fiona to be paired up while Fernandez and I are paired up. The energy levels balance each other." "Felix, it makes sense. You partnered with Fleta and Fernandez partnered with Fiona" Dahlia told him. "Fine." Then Felix dropped the subject" 

"That's the scene," She tells me. "Why am I not surprised? Of course it's Dahlia" I reply. "When is it never" Fleta remarks in response. "Samuel and Dahlia went from, friends, to enemies I'm pretty sure, to lovers, to exes, to cousins who are now co-captains on a mission that could get us killed" Fleta states. "Now they're both not dating anyone" I add.

Then I see the look on my sister's face. "No. Absolutely not. No" I tell her. "You don't even know what I'm thinking" She replies. "Yes, I do. You're either thinking, set Felix and Dahlia up or set Iris and Samuel up. It's a no to both" I tell her one more time.

"Guess which," She asks excitedly, "I would pick, but you probably want to get both fo them together" "I want to get both of them together," We say at the same time. "That's right," She tells me. "Sister no. Absolutely not. As your older sister, I'm telling you no" I reply. "Please Fi. I just want them to be happy" "No. Now come on. Let's go see what those idiots we have as brothers are doing" I tell her, getting up.

"Fine, fine. Let's go" She replies getting off the bed and walking out.

Samuel's POV

"I still can't believe we're in space," My sister states from the top bunk, "I know it's crazy," Daph who's sitting on the floor in front of me replies. "Remind me again why we're in this room when we could be in your room, that is not to mention, the only single bedroom on this ship" I point out.

Daph just smiles, "Because this is my ship and I make the rules" She replies, "Let's talk about teenage stuff. Can't we just not be superheroes for once?" Selina asks, "Yeah if you two are going to talk bout girl stuff I'm out," I say getting up, "Nope. You're part of this family, and I'm telling you to sit down" Daph tells me pulling my arm down.

"Fine," I say sitting back down on the bed as Selina flips off the top bunk railing, drops down,  and sits beside me. "Family. The word still feels odd" Selina states, "I mean we were always a family Ellie, we've literally been sisters since you were born" Daph tells her. "Your best friend was practically waiting for you to be born" I add.

"To be fair, I was actually playing with you at home or something" Dahlia recalls, "That's what happens when your mom marries one of her best friend's cousins" I state, "They become inseparable. Clearly" I add motioning to the two of them. "True."

"On another note, I hear Darkheart might be joining the Next Justice League" Selina brings up, "Really? She's not the type of person to work in a group. Just look at who her parents are. They were both evil at one point. One of them technically is still evil" I say, "Keyword: Technically. He still fights villains" Daph replies.

"Have you ever met her?" Selina asks, "Kitty goes to the same school as her youngest sister. Henna is friends with...what's her name? Valkyrie?" Dahlia asks "I think so. I've met her before. Intimidating, to say the least, but chill. Her brother's cool according to Julien" I reply.

"Big brother, now that I'm thinking about it. Do you actually have friends other than us, and then the other boys obviously" Selina asks. I can't tell if I should be offended or not, but judging by the fact that Dahlia starts laughing before composing herself, I'd say yes.

"Sorry" Daph apologizes, "But we're not all close with that many people. Even myself. I'm close with the two of you, Bianca, Maggie, Kiana, and Rachel. Barnett...relatively? That's about it. "Sabrina I'm pretty close to I guess, Bellona and Hannah too, but not as close as the others." "I haven't talked with Hazel and Chiara personally for a while. 

"Shaela and I are close, but the relationship is more respectful than anything" She states. "I get that. I'd say I'm closest with the two of you, River, Barnett, Shiro, Jayden, and that's it. I'm pretty close to Brooklyn and Bellona, not as close though." I reply. "Then there's Henna. My sister if you weren't my literal sister" I tell Selina. 

"Same drill. As always."I say to myself and also kind of the others "Same relationship as you and the Wonder Children. Except for the whole tribe-trained descendants," I add directing it at Daph who nods understanding.

"What about you Ellie?" Daph asks her, "You and my brother obviously, Bianca, Iris, Serenity, Issac I suppose, and Madelyn. I'm pretty close with Fleta and Fiona, not to mention Maggie and Kiana."

"It'll always be the three of us," Dahlia tells us, "Wait. Are Sam and I considered Royalty in a way?" Selina asks, "In a way, I suppose. The royalty is maternal, but we're related paternally so I don't know. But then again there's also the House of El. I still need to do more research on it but, I suppose. Yes," Daph replies. 

"Oh, and I have anoth-" My wrist com beeps interrupting Ellie. "Sorry, it's Brayden. I'll talk to him later" I tell the girls.  I'm about to click ignore when Daph stops me, "No answer it. If it's important then it's better you know now" She explains. I nod my head before clicking answer.

"What's up dude?" I ask, "We have a problem," Brayden tells me. I see Dahlia's eyes widen, "What is it?" I ask, "That's just the thing. It's not an it. It's a who" He replies. 

"Excuse me?" I ask, "You better come check it out. Also, bring Dahlia. I know she's with you" I look to Daph who nods, "Alright, where are you?" I ask, "The Bridge" He replies, "We'll be there right away," I tell him before hanging up.

"Let's go then," Dahlia tells me getting up. "Oh boy," I say to myself as we leave.

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