First Day - Dorms

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Dahlia's POV:

It's the first day of school, and I wake up to see one of the servants Amber laying out my clothes. "Good morning Princess Daphne," She says to me, "Good morning Amber," I say. "You don't have to do that, I can get my clothes myself," I say, "Yes, but it is my job to serve you," She says. I get up and Amber hands me my clothes, she then excuses herself, and I get dressed. 

I'm wearing a red off-shoulder shirt with a golden eagle on the top and gold lining at the back and bottom, there's also a blue skirt with white lining on the bottom, I put on my blue knee-high boots that have a golden lining on the bottom. I then my hair into a braid over my right shoulder, put on my tiara, and my silver bracelets, I attach the lasso of truth and go downstairs to eat. 

"Good morning Grandmother, good morning mother," I say as I walk into the dining room, "Good morning Granddaughter," My grandmother says, "Good morning Daphne," My mother says to me. 

My grandmother requires we address everyone formally when we see them, but we only do that when she's around. We then wait for Sierra to come down then we eat. "Are you excited for your first day Daphne?" My mother asks me, "Yes" I say. 

I look at the time, "I should probably get going. I don't want to be late for school" I say, "Yes of course you don't" My grandmother says. "Daphne your stuff is near the door," My mom says, I get up and hug my mom, my grandmother, and Sierra. 

"I'll call you soon" I whisper to her, and she nods her head. Then I head to the door to see see my bag, suitcase, and my shield near the door. I pick them up and fly to Capes and Cowls Cafe to meet up with the girls. 

We decided we would meet up before school so we could walk in together. "Flyers with me, everyone else gets on your bikes and let's go," I say. Kiana, Iris, Bianca, Hazel, Chiara, and Bailey get on their motorbikes. While I take off into the sky with Selina, Serenity, Jade, and Maggie following. Bailey can fly, but she prefers to drive. 

We get to Super Hero High, I'm flying forward with Selina and Jade Behind me, and Serenity, Rachel, and Maggie behind them while Bianca and Kiana are forward down below followed by Bailey and Hazel, with Iris and Chiara behind them. 

At the statue, Kiana goes left followed by Hazel and then followed by Iris, while Bianca goes right, followed by Bailey, then followed by Chiara. 

When we get to the front of the school I flip down, then followed by Selina and Serenity flipping being me, and Jade and Maggie flipping down soon after Selina and Serenity. Then Kiana, and Bianca flip off their bikes with Bailey, Hazel, Iris, and Chiara flipping off their bikes as well soon after. Principal Wallers approaches us. 

"Welcome girls to Super Hero High," She says to us, You will find each one of your symbols on the door. She says, when you find your logo and walk inside, there will be a Dorm room section designated for you. I'm sure you'll figure out which one is who's she says. 

We walk to where the dorms for the freshmen are and look for the door with our symbol on it. I stop at the door near the end. It has my logo on the top left, Selina's logo on the top right, Kiana's logo on the bottom left, and Maggie's logo on the bottom right of the door. 

A few doors away Serenity, Jade, and Bianca stop at a door with Serenity's symbol on the top right, Bianca's Symbol on the Top left, Jade's symbol on the bottom left, and Hannah's symbol on the bottom right. 

They walk in, and across from them Hazel and Chiara stop at a door with Hazel's symbol on the bottom right, Chiara's symbol on the top right, Fiona's symbol on the top left, and Madelyn's symbol on the bottom left. 

Then Bailey and Rachel stop at another dorm a few dorms away from Hazel and Chiara, with her symbol on the bottom left, Ciana's symbol on the top left, Sydney's symbol on the top right, and Rachel's symbol on the bottom right. Iris walks down the second hallway where the rest of the dorms are. 

I walk into my dorm with Selina, Maggie, and Kiana. I notice on the top left there's a similar to what my mother's side looked like, then across from it on the other side, it looks like what Katana's dorm looked like. 

Under it looked almost identical to Gigi's room, and across from it, it looked like a mix of what Supergirl's dorm looked like, and what Selina's room looked like. I'm guessing that one's mine, that one's Maggie's, that one's Daph's, and that one's Ellie's side. Kiana says, "Your probably right Kia," I say. 

I grab my stuff and go up to my 'Designated Section' as Principal Wallers likes to call it. It looked identical to the room my mom had when she was here except the dresser was blue instead of red, and the W was red and gold instead of blue and gold. On top of the dresser instead of having greek designs, it had my name in greek. 

As well as I'm pretty sure beside the dresser, my mom had a basket of swords. On the right side of the dresser, I put my bow and arrows instead. On my bed my schedule is printed out, I take a picture of it, and put the paper in a picture frame on the shelf above the computer. 

(A/N: In case you didn't understand. This is what Wonder Woman's dorm looked like. So just imagine the changes I put and apply them to Wonder Woman's Dorm. This is Dahlia's Name in greek: ντάλια(Dahlia) or Δάφνη(Daphne). On the dresser it says: Δάφνη Κέιτλιν Κασταλία Πρίγκιπας(Daphne Kaitlyn Castalia Prince) repeated)

 On the dresser it says: Δάφνη Κέιτλιν Κασταλία Πρίγκιπας(Daphne Kaitlyn Castalia Prince) repeated)

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Dahlia's Schedule:

Dahlia's Schedule:

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