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The Next Day

Brayden's POV

"She's not here?" I ask confirming, "Yes, Supergirl said that she wasn't at Super Hero High," My father tells me. "You didn't tell me this earlier why?" I ask him, "I'm a superhero too. I have business to take care of" He replies. 

"We called the day after you found out this information and you told me to see if Dahlia was Superman's daughter. Why are you changing it now!?" I ask him, "I didn't know if Supergirl was lying or not" He replies. "You made her do a lie detector test?" I ask her, "She was surprisingly willing to do it," He tells me.

"Well, she's Supergirl...Whatever. Why am I even here then?" I ask him, "Because I believe Super Hero High will be beneficial for you" He replies. "How are you fitting in?" He asks, "Why do you care?" I ask him. "I'm trying to be involved in my kid's life" He replies in his monotonous voice. 

"If you really wanted to, you'd call Bianca and talk to her," I tell him. "How is Bianca?" He asks, "I don't know. How am I supposed to know?" I tell him. "How are your friends?" He asks, "I don't know. Again. They're not my friends. They're my peers. I have no friends" I reply coldly, "Then make some" He tells me.

"Dad I don't fit in here. Commissioner Gordan hates me, my so-called "friends" are all hiding something from me, as for Bianca, she leaves the room every time I enter" I tell him. "I belong in Gotham High," I tell him, "Just stay for a few more months and we'll see what happens," He tells me, "See what? What could possibly happen!?" I exclaim. "Just do it. That's an order" He commands.

"Fine. What else did you need?" I ask him, he sighs, "What I need is for you to talk to your sister," He tells me, "And how exactly am I supposed to do that?" I ask him, "Talk to her friends or something. Figure it out" He replies before hanging up. 

I bang the back of my head against the wall as I put my phone away. "You good man?" Samuel asks me. Samuel, Selina, Dahlia, Fernandez, Felix, Fleta, and Fiona were all chilling in our dorm. 

Selina, Samuel and Dahlia were in Sam's room talking about something while Fiona and Fleta were trying to get Felix to tell him who he liked. Apparently, Felix broke up with Iris because he likes one of her friends.

"I'm fine" I replied walking over to the couch. "What are you guys even doing?" I ask them, "We're helping Dahlia with something for her mom" Samuel replies.

Dahlia's POV

"We're helping Dahlia with something for her mom," Samuel tells him. I give him a look, "Something for my mom. Really?" I say to him quietly enough so that only Selina and Sam can hear, "What your mom was the one who asked you to take on the mission, and you asked us to help. You tell me where I'm wrong" He replies, I just stare at him. "Fine," I say rolling my eyes.

"Ellie, how's the map going? Are the pictures enough?" I ask Selina, "The pictures are fine and I have a rough estimate of the area, but I can't tell what the inside looks like" She replies, "I asked my mom and she sent over all she had which is what Sam and I are working on but I don't know. I think the photos Green Lantern(Jessica Cruz) took are the closest we have" I tell her.

"Majority of this stuff is hidden in layers and layers of code. We need Bianca's hacking skills to decode this" Samuel says aggressively typing on the computer, "I thought you both knew coding" Selina says, "We do but this isn't any normal code, it's got layers and layers of protection over the basic code" I say putting a hand on the keyboard to stop Sam from typing more.

"It's too bad Bianca's busy modifying our vehicle. All her tech savviness is going to be a big help during this mission" Selina replies. "Everyone is working hard to ensure we all make it out of this mission alive and safe-" "No point in making it out safe if we can't even make it out alive" Samuel remarks. "Let her continue," Selina tells her brother.

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