Mysterious Bang

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Dahlia's POV:

School went pretty well overall. It was just a typical day. I have all A's, we got homework, the Violet and Green Lanterns are battling each other, and Selina and I are heading to swim team tryouts.  "Do you think we'll make the team?" She asks me, "Probably. We're both pretty fast at swimming, we can hold our breath for hours, and overall we're good at swimming" I say. She nods her head, "True. Who's coaching again?" She asks, "Molly And Markus" I reply. 

Jade's POV:

"Take that Sabrina!" I shout creating a bear to push her to the other side of the field. "Hey!" Sydney yells as Jayden breaks free from Sydney's grip and ties her up. "2 more points for the green lanterns!" Seraphina calls from down below standing beside the scoreboard. 

Even though Seraphina is a Violet Lantern, it would be two to three making it unfair, so we decided to do Jayden and I against Sydney and Sabrina since Sydney and I are both first years and Jayden and Sabrina are both second years.

Sabrina gets her sister free by creating scissors cutting the rope that was tying Syd up. Sydney then creates a cannon behind me shooting me across the field. "Another point for the Violet Lanterns" Seraphina calls. "Point to the Green Lanterns" "Another point for the Violet Lanterns" "3 more points for the Violet Lanterns" "Another point for the Green Lanterns." 

"Looks like we're tied up," Jayden says to Sabrina. I currently have Sydney tied up and she has me tied up. Both of us not letting go. "Then let's end this" Sabrina replies. Sabrina and Jayden both create giant swords battling each other in the middle of the field. 

I decide to let go of Sydney and break free while she's distracted watching our sisters. I create a huge bow and a bigger arrow with a circular piece on the end. I shoot the arrow and watch Sabrina get hit and go flying across the field. "And that's another point to the Green Lanterns making them the Lantern champions" Seraphina announces. "Or at least between the four of them" She adds. 

There are tones of cheering before the crowd gets silenced by a big sound coming from the front of the school. "What was that!?" Syd asks, Seraphina flys up to us. "I'm not sure, but we should check it out," She tells us. We nod our heads and fly to the front of the school with the others down below running to the front of the school.

When we arrive Dahlia's already there with Selina, Maggie, Madelyn, and the rest of the people who were at swim tryouts instead of the battle. As we land the others arrive. Kiana, Rachel, Ciana, Iris, Serenity, Bianca, Bailey, Hannah, Hazel, Fiona, Sydney, Chiara, Maggie, Madelyn, Fleta, Shaela and I run up to where Selina and Dahlia are. Bianca stands on the other side of Daph across from where Selina is, and the rest of us are standing behind them.

Dahlia's POV:

The others run to where me and Selina are while the other students get ready to fight. The person in the black cloak I have tied up looks up at all of us but we still can't see his face. I walk a few steps closer. "Who are you?" I ask. They just stay silent. I look at Bianca and Selina and they shrug their shoulders in confusion. No one's ever been able to resist the lasso of truth. this person must be really well trained because he just stays silent. 

"Who are you?" I ask again more of a demanding voice. The person just stays silent. "Violet and Green Lanterns tie them up" I command. As soon as I say that, two green ropes and three violet ropes come from both sides of me and tie the person up even more. "I'm going to take their hood off. Be ready to restrain them if they attack," I say to the girls. They all nod their head and I walk up to the hooded person.

I untie my lasso and put it back on my waist as the cloaked figure is still tied up by the lanterns. I take the hood off. It's a teenage boy. Around the same age as us, maybe a bit older. Probably the same age as Samuel and his other friends. He has medium brown hair that gives off red-ish essence. He has green eyes and is in a greyish, yellow, black outfit. 

I think I have an idea of who this is but I need Bianca's scanner to confirm it. "Bia can you come here?" I ask her. She walks up to me and I whisper into her ear. She nods her head and pulls out her identity scanner. She gives him a quick scan before waiting for the results to load in.

Bianca's POV:

That's impossible. I look at the scanner once more rescanning the boy in front of me. The same result. Brayden Wayne. No. That's-. There's no way. "Bia?" Daph asks me. I look at the scanner, then at him before giving the scanner to Dahlia. "Oh...Okay then" I hear her say quietly. I turn my head to look at others. They have confused looks mixed with a bit of concern on them. 

Dahlia's POV:

"Oh...Okay then" I say quietly. I definitely wasn't expecting this. Well, I was, but I didn't think he would be here. I just thought that if Batman ever had children that he would make them stay in Gotham City. Not to mention his first name. 

I sigh. I give the lanterns the signal to release him. I can tell they're all hesitant because the ropes just stay there for a while, but one by one the ropes retract themself. "Why are you here?" I ask him. He just looks down. I sigh once more. This kid is tough. "Why are you here," I ask again with a bit more force.

"Brayden Wayne. you're making this extremely difficult" I say. He perks up at the use of his name. "How did you know my name?" He asks. I motion to Bianca. "This girl over here just scanned you twice with her identity scanner" I explain. "I'm Daphne. That's Bianca, and behind us are the students of Super Hero High" I say. 

"Did you say, Bianca?" He asks me. "Yes," I answer. My suspicions were right. It probably is him. I look at Bianca who's on her phone typing away probably researching or something. "Samuel get over here please" I turn around and say. Soon Samuel walks over to me and Bianca. "Brayden. This is Samuel" I say. I turn to Samuel. "Sam take him to Principal Waller's office," I tell him. He nods his head and starts walking into the building. Reluctantly Brayden follows him. 

Bia and I return to everyone and students start filling out and heading back to do whatever. "Who was that?" Bailey asks. "Brayden Wayne. Batman's son" I explain. Selina gasps at the information probably understanding while the others stay quiet. 

"Wait but doesn't that mean-" Selina gets interrupted by Bianca. "Yes and I don't want to talk about it" She replies walking into the building. Oh no. It's not like Bianca to shut everyone out. "We should give her some time. She's still processing everything" I say to the others. They nod their head even though they're definitely confused. 

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