Call From Parents

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Bianca's POV:

"Sorry I couldn't call earlier. I had a week-long mission with the girls and I only just got the letter this morning" My mom tells me through the phone. "It's okay. Saving the world comes first. Anyways. So is you know who actually my father?" I ask her. "Yes. Well biologically yes, legally, I have custody over you" She replies. "So I'm just going to take that as a yes," I say, "Good thinking" She replies.

"So how is he? Have you talked to Brayden yet? Like one on one?" She asks me. "We played truth or dare with the others yesterday, and he was kind of more into the information he was getting out of it" reply. "And no. Not yet. I haven't talked to him. I've kind of been avoiding him a bit, in case it wasn't him even though there was only like a 2.71 percent chance" I tell her. 

"Well, maybe you should talk to him. If you don't Supergirl's probably going to give you a pep talk about doing it" She replies. I laugh at the thought. Supergirl loves giving her extremely positive encouraging pep talks even if the person doesn't want it.

"I will. Dahlia, Samuel, Jade, Issac, and I were assigned by Principal Wallers to help Brayden with joining clubs" I tell her. "Why all five of you? Isn't that a bit excessive?" She asks, " I think so, but Principal Wallers just wants him to be welcomed. That is how she is though. Very caring and willing to do anything to help the students" I say, "Although I know Dahlia and Samuel were both chosen because they're practically in all the clubs. And Jade, Issac, and I. I'm not sure" I add.  

"Well, I mean. Dahlia and Samuel are like the A students who do everything. Just like Wonder Woman and Superman so it makes sense" My mom replies. "Yeah. A lot of people would probably mistake Samuel for being Superman's son instead of being Supergirl's son" I add. "Well, I have to go now but call me later and let me know if you got to talk to him and how it went," She tells me.

"Wait mom can I ask one more thing?" I say right before she was about to hang up. "Sure. What is it?" She asks me. "Why does Brayden have brown hair?" I ask her. "He has brown hair?" My mom asks completely unaware of that. "Yeah?" I say confused. What colour was his hair before? Before I could ask, my mom completely read my mind. 

"His hair used to be that same colour as yours. When you both were babies, people would ask if you two were twins" She tells me. "I guess over time it changes?" I say. "I guess so" My mom replies before going silent probably thinking about something. "Batgirl we need you" I hear Supergirl say through my mom's com bracelet. "Oops. I have to go. By Bia" She says to me before hanging up.

Brayden's POV:

"I still don't understand why you want me to study here. What was wrong with my school back in Gotham?" I ask my father. "I've already told you. You may not know it now, but it's going to help you" My father replies in his low voice. 

"Yeah, sure. I'm pretty sure Commissioner Gordan doesn't want me to be here, Bianca and I have been avoiding each other. Mom probably doesn't want to talk to me. And all my acquaintances are...Well...You know. Complicated" I tell him. "Look. They all have reasonable reasons for what they do. Maybe except for the teens. They're just teenagers who are superheroes" My father replies. 

"Speaking of superheroes have you found Superman's daughter?" He asks me, "Not yet. Who did you say was the mother again?" I ask him. "I have no idea. Kal never told me. I don't think he remembers. He was just hoping you might find out" He says to me. "Well the only people I know of with Superman's powers are a girl named Selina, and my roommate Samuel," I tell my father.

"But both of them are Supergirl's children" I add. "Well just keep an eye out," He tells me. "I know," I tell him. "How is Superman's memory?" I ask, "Good Actually. Turns out he didn't forget much except for his own family" He says. "He knows about Supergirl though right?" I ask, "Yes. Supergirl has been checking in on Kal, but she's kind of still shocked. All I know is, Kal is married to a superhero that's friends with Supergirl" He tells me.

"Oh yeah. What happened with Lois anyways?" I ask my father bringing up Superman's ex. "They took some time off from each other for a bit, and Kal decided to date someone else. Someone who was a superhero, and then they ended up getting married and now their child is at Super Hero High" He explains. "Probably" My father adds. "Right. Okay"

*An hour and a half after Bianca and Brayden's calls happened* 

Dahlia's POV:

"Hey, Daph. How's school. I haven't got to talk to you in like two months" My mom tells me first thing when she picks up the phone. "Hi, mom. School's good. Just a lot has happened" I tell her, "Huh, like what?" She asks curiously. "Well on the first day actually, I haven't been able to tell you this, but on the first day the girls and I went to Capes And Cowls and the man serving us just looked at us weirdly" I explain. 

"I think I know why," My mom tells me. "Why?" I ask her. "It was probably Steve who served you because he owns Capes And Cowls. And Steve and I used to have sort of a crush on each other. We both liked each other and we both knew it, but we never actually dated. So he probably saw you and thought you looked a lot like me" My mom explains.

"Okay then," I say. That was definitely not the answer I was expecting. "What else happened?" My mom asks me switching the topic. "Well, Batman's son came and made a grand entrance last week," I say, "Batman's son you say?" She asks me, "Yeah." "I think Babs said something about that when Bianca called her the other day. And this morning" My mom tells me.

"Speaking of is Brayden Bianca's brother?" I ask, "Yes" My mother answers just as I expected. "Anything else new?" My mom asks me changing the subject once again. "Not much. And you can tell my grandmother I have all A's" I tell her. "As you should" I hear my grandmother say. My grandma tells my mom something else I didn't hear.

"Yes, yes, mother. I know. Sorry D. I have to cut this call short. Royal duties call" She says. "By mom," say to her. "By Dahlia," She says before hanging up.

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