Sibling Issues

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Bianca's POV

I knock on Brayden's dorm and the twins open up, "Hey what's up?" Fernandez asks, "I want to talk to Brayden," I tell them, "He's getting ready for the competition thing you two are doing" Felix states. "I don't care, let me talk to him" I command, "Yes Ma'am" Fernandez replies stepping aside with Felix.

I walk over to Brayden's section of the door, giving Samuel an acknowledging nod. He gives me one back as I continue to walk. I reach the titanium doors he has just like mine. I knock on the door just to be polite. 

"Brayden it's Bianca, open up," I tell him. He doesn't open the door so I pull out my phone and hack through the school database. He stores his code in the database but it's covered in layers of code. Luckily it's not hard and I successfully hack in. I enter the code into the machine and disengage his other safety features.

The door opens and he looks at me shocked as I walk in. "Your room looks nice," I tell him looking around. It looks similar to mine, except it's all black and grey with the yellow bat symbol instead of purple and black with yellow swirls like my room. 

"How'd you get into my room?" He asks suspicious, "You shouldn't put your code in the school database it doesn't have much protection. The code was too predictable, you shouldn't assume everyone's hacking skills are decent, there are others that work in IT" I reply casually. 

"I remember that for next time" He mutters to himself his eyes not meeting my gaze. "Funny I didn't think there would be a next time. I assumed you'd leave as soon as you found out Superman's daughter wasn't here" I state sarcastically. He looks up at me annoyed, "Believe me, I don't want to be here. Father thinks it could be beneficial...for some reason" He replies.

"What are you even doing here?" He asks me, "Why are you here and what does Batman want? A new sidekick? Because my mom is done playing that role, and there's no chance I'm doing that" I tell him, "What do you mean? We're just trying to get close to the family" He replies sarcastically, "Sure and what do you achieve by succeeding in that? More information on Superman's wife and daughter because I assure you it's not happening" I tell him.

"What you don't want to see your brother?" He asks me, "Your my brother when I say you're my brother, and guess what? You're not" I tell him. "I've seen your face every day since your pleasant little visit," I reply. "Brayden why are you here?" I ask him again, "Do you really want to know?" He asks", "Yes!" I exclaim. 

Geez, is it so hard to answer one question? "Father thinks it could be beneficial to reunite the family" He replies sighing. "Why reunite the family?" "How am I supposed to know? He's a very secretive man. Even you known that" He tells me. 

This entire time we were talking, I was scanning his room to see if there was anything that could help Kiana and Maggie. I notice what two pictures sitting on top of his cabinet. One which I believe to be a family photo of when were little. 

A little boy that Batman is carrying, and what looks to be a newborn baby, both with auburn hair. My mother who looks much younger, and my Batman is actually smiling for once. Shocking. 

The second one is of two kids. Both smiling with their backpacks on. I'd assume it was like the first day of school or something. I'd assume we were both in kindergarten because my mom said that my brother had left when he reached first grade which is when I was in senior kindergarden. 

I also notice a small brown box with Brayden's name spelled out with gems, it looks similar to the one I have, Supergirl made it for me, to keep all my special mementos and other stuff in. 

"That box. How long have you had it?" I ask him, "This one?" He asks holding it up, "Yeah." "Father said that I've had it since I was a baby" He replies, "What's in it?" I question. He opens it revealing toys and pictures from when we were little. "It's been eleven years. Why keep all these things?" I ask him, picking up one of the photos from the cabinet. 

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