First Day - Save The Day Alarm

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Dahlia's POV:

We fly/drive over to Capes and Cowls, Where Gianna and Giannis, and apparently Solomon Grant(Who we had no idea was here) were attacking Capes and Cowls, well more like Giannis was attacking Capes and Cowls, and Gianna was trying to stop him, and Grant was just doing his own thing. 

"Who are these people," Rachel asks, "Gianna and Giannis. Giganta's daughter and son" Bianca explains, "They're twins, and I'm assuming you know Solomon Grant, Solomon Grundy's son" Rach nods her head, "I'm guessing they have anger management problems just like their mom" she states, "Bingo." 

"Well technically they both have anger management problems but Gianna knows how to control hers," Selina says, "So basically only Giannis has problems," Bianca says, summarizing what Selina said. 

"Come on let's just get this battle over with," Madelyn says, "That may be harder than we think," I say. "Look inside. At the back." Grant has moved to the back room and barricaded the kitchen with the fridge and oven, and was tossing things out through the small gaps in between shattering literally everything.

"What's the plan Daph?" Bianca asks me, "Selina, Kiana, Iris, Hannah, Maggie, Sydney, Madelyn, Serenity, and I will take on Gianna and Giannis," I say "While Bianca you, Rachel, Ciana, Jade, Bailey, Hazel, Chiara, Fiona, Shaela, and Fleta you attack Grant." 

"Everyone got it?" I ask, They all nod their heads. "Bianca you lead the group attacking Grant, and I'll lead the group that's attacking Gianna and Giannis," I say, "Let's go!" We split into groups. 

 "So how are we going to stop Gianna and Giannis?" Madelyn asks, "First we have to lead them away from Capes and Cowls," I say. "That makes sense," Iris says, "But how are we going to lead them away from Capes and Cowls?" Selina asks, "Maybe we could just ask Gianna why she and her brother are attacking Capes and Cowls" Maggie suggests, "Good idea Maggie," I tell her.

"But we still have to lead Giannis away," I say. "What if Maggie; you, me, and Selina try to figure out why Gia and her brother are attacking Cape and Cowls," I say, "And the rest of you lead Giannis away by Challenging him," I say.


Bianca's POV:

We all run into Capes and Cowls. When we run in, we see the man that served us earlier in the corner with a boy that looks around our age beside him. Some of the customers are hiding under the tables or behind counters. "Okay girls listen up," I say to them. "Jade you, Fleta and Chiara get everyone somewhere safe, then come join us. Everyone else you're with me" I say. 

Everyone nods their head and we all disperse. Jade, Fleta, and Chiara start helping everyone outside while Rachel, Ciana, Bailey, Hazel, Fiona, and I rush into the kitchen. "So what's the plan Bianca," Rachel asks me, "Stop him from destroying the kitchen," I say. 

We all start blasting Grant. Bailey blasts him with her electric stingers, Hazel whacks him with her mallet while jumping around using the Boing boots she got from Bailey's mom. Fiona freezes Grant's feet to stop him from moving, but he breaks out after a few seconds. Ciana blasts Grant with a technological blaster like the one that's attached to Cyborg. 

Shaela kicks Grant to the ground but then he gets back up. Shaela then punches him onto the floor, but Grant gets up again. I use my grappling hook by swinging it around Grant's feet so that he falls to the floor. A/N: Ciana is not a robot, but I wanted her to be able to fly and have all the superpowers Cyborg has. 

Dahlia's POV:

Maggie, Selina, and I fly up to Gianna while Kiana and the others lead Giannis away from Capes and Cowls. "Hey Gia," We say as we fly up to her. "Hello, girls. I haven't seen you since you girls came a few months ago to look at Super Hero High" She says, "Yeah it's been a while" Selina says. 

"We were, um, wondering why you and Giannis were attacking Capes and Cowls," Maggie says quietly. "Well, I'm trying to convince Giannis to calm down but it's not working, and I'm guessing the save the day alarm went off," She says, "Yep" Selina replies. 

"But why is he mad?" I ask, "Well wanted to get a smoothie from Capes and Cowls, but because we're giants we had to wait outside for our smoothie" Gia explains, "That got Giannis mad, but was able to calm him down. After we ordered our drinks Giannis kept complaining that it was taking too long. When we got our order, Steve had accidentally given Giannis a banana strawberry instead of banana mango" She explains. 

"So now he wants to get back at them for messing up the order?" I assume, "Basically yeah," Gianna says. "Wait who's Steve?" Selina asks, "He's the man who serves everyone," Gia says. "Do you know why Grant is here?" I ask her. "No, I don't know. But he just showed up a few minutes ago and started attacking Capes and Cowls" She explains. "Thanks for the help Gia," I say, "You're welcome," She says. 

Selina, Maggie, and I fly to where Kiana and the rest were distracting Giannis. When we land, Kiana's sword comes flying at us, "Sorry" Kiana says. "We can't calm him down!" Sydney yells from the other side. "Have you figured out why Giannis is so angry?" Hannah asks, "He's mad because he had a bad experience at Capes and Cowls" I explain. "Oh," the rest of the girls say not including Selina or Maggie. 

"Giannis!" I yell at him as I fly up, "What!?" He questions, "Could you please calm down? We know you had bad service, but I'm sure if you had just asked Steve nicely he would have given you a refund" I say. "Then why did Steve make me sit outside!?"  He questions in anger, "Because you wouldn't fit, and you would probably injure yourself if you tried" Iris says flying up using vines. 

"Wait who's Steve?"  Kiana asks, "The person who served us earlier today," Selina says answering her question. "So he wasn't being mean to me?" Giannis said calming down a little, "No, he probably didn't want to hurt you by shoving you into the cafe so he had you sit outside" Serenity says. "But why did he mess up my order!?" Giannis says getting made again, "Because there were probably so many people, and might have accidentally messed up your order," I say. 

"I'm sure if you just told him he got your order wrong, then he would have taken it back and given you the right order," I say. "Okay, I'll calm down. Do you think he would still give me a refund? I'm allergic to strawberries" He says, "Um, I'm sure he'll give you a refund if you ask him"  Maggie says quietly. "Okay then, I'll go ask him. Thank you supes" Giannis says as he goes back to Capes and Cowls calmly.

"Come on, we should go check on the girls," I say, we run back to Capes and Cowls, where when we walk in Grant is tied up on the floor. "Good job girls," I say, "The police should take it from here," I say. "Yeah I already called them, they're on their way," Bianca says, "Great job, let's get back to Super Hero High," I say. We all fly/drive back to SHHS, when we get there we can't find anyone. 

I look at the clock on the wall, "It's 4:35 there's still 20 minutes of class" I say. "Oh, that's why we can't find anyone," Ciana says, "Let's just get to class," Bianca says. We all disperse and go to our class. Fiona, Bianca, Bailey, Sydney and I head to History of Heroing. When we walk in the classroom there's no one there. But on the projector, there's a note. 

"First years please meet in classroom 102," I say reading the note out loud. "I wonder why we have to go to classroom 102," Fiona says, "Let's just head to class 102," Sydney tells her, as she starts to leave the classroom. 

We turn down the hallway that classroom 102 is in. As soon as we turned down the hallway, we saw the other first years. "Did we all get the same message?" Jade asks as soon as she sees us, "I think so" Selina says. "Let's just go inside," I say. I open the doors and as soon as I do, we're blasted with confetti. 

"What is going on?" Shaela asks, "Surprise!" Everyone says. "What is this party for?" I ask, "You all defeated your first villain. Congratulations First years" Principal Wallers says. "Thank you Principal Wallers," I say, "Let's get this party started then!" Hazel says. Hazel throughs the cake up into the air and Kiana slices it with her sword. (Like her mother did in Ep 201. Aka: S2 E1)

"Sweet," She says after the cake lands on each plate. "Let's party!" Hazel says again. We end up partying all day, and by the time the party was over, it was time for us to go to bed.

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