First Day - Class: Part 3

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Dahlia's POV:

We get up and head to the city, me and Jade are flying while Bianca and Iris are on their motorbikes. "How long do we have until our next class," Iris asks, "It's 2:38, so around 15 minutes," I say looking at my phone. 

"Should we split up?" Jade asks, "Hold on," I say. "It's not like crimes happen every day." "Saving people yes, but not crimes" I continue. "There has to be a better way to do this." "Bianca, do you have any type of technology that could help us?" I ask her,  "I think so, I'll need to check though," She replies.

We head back to school and go to Bianca and Jade's dorm. Bianca was on the bottom right, and she had doors protecting her room just like he mom did. It was similar to Kiana's where she had Japanese-type doors you could slide open, but Bianca's was 2 metal doors and she had a finger scanner and a face ID. Bianca scans her finger and walks inside. 

"Come on," She says, we all follow her looking inside, "I'm guessing Commissioner Gordon helped you get all this stuff," I say, "Well, Kind Of. Yeah basically" She replies. She walks over to her computer and starts typing stuff into the system. 

"Let's see, I can try to set up an alarm system similar to the save the day alarm, only it detects the crimes that the save the day alarm won't. And when it finds one, it will send a silent alarm to my Call Bracelet" She says, "That's brilliant" Iris says. 

"So do we just wait then?" Jade asks, "Assumingly, We can just relax for a little bit before class," Iris says. "Why don't we go to the gym and train" Jade suggest, "My sister always does that when she has free periods" Jade continues. "Great idea Jade, Let's go," I say, we all walk to the gym and train for around 10 minutes before the bell rings and we have to go to class. 

We all head outside to meet the other first years or Flyers Ed. "Okay first years, I want all the people who can fly on the right side, and the students who can't fly on the left" Red Tornado says. We all do as told and separate. 

"The students who can't fly, you will be designing a jet or a plane on a piece of paper for this class," He says, "Flyers you will also do this, but first I want to see how skilled you are at flying," He says. 

"Flyers you will put on these belts and try to fly through the obstacle course" He explains, "Now who wants to go first," Red Tornado asks. "If no one volunteers I will just have to pick someone," He says, "Um, Sir," Maggie says quietly. "Is there a problem?" He asks, "Eek," Maggie says then she turns invisible. 

"Maggie I thought you said you weren't scared to talk to teachers anymore" I whisper to her quietly, "I'm still scared of some" She whispers back. 

"Okay, but you can't ask your question if your invisible" I whisper to her, "Okay" she whispers back and turns un-invisible. "Um, I was just wondering. How are we supposed to do the obstacle course, if, um, we've never seen it?" She asks quietly "Instinct, just like if you were battling a villain you've never met," He replies. 

"Now would you like to go first Miss Martian?" He asks. "Um. I. Eek!" She says and then turns invisible again. "It's not that hard Maggie, you'll do just fine," Rachel tells her, "Yeah you'll do perfectly fine" Serenity adds. 

"Here goes then," She whispers to us, "Okay, I'll go," She says. "Good, now grab the belt and get ready for the simulation" Red Tornado says. Maggie does what Red Tornado told her to and then she starts the simulator. 

She starts flying over, under and sideways trying to dodge the obstacles. In the next part, she flies into the dome which I think is where the slime shooters are. We can't see her, but Red Tornado has cameras on the inside. "Uh oh," Bailey says, Bailey and Selina were watching Maggie on the screen. "What happened?" Jade asks, "Did she get sprayed?" "Yeah" Selina replies. 

Soon Maggie flies out covered in magenta slime. "What happened"Jade asks her, "The cameras. There were so many, beside each and every slime shooter there was a camera. When I tried to locate the slime shooters, I cracked under pressure" Maggie says. "It's okay Maggie, it was just a diagnostic," Serenity reminds her. "I guess you're right," She says, "Jade you're up," Red Tornado says. 

Jade nods her head and gets ready to start the simulation. "Ready, set, go!" Red Tornado says, Jade starts beginning the simulation. She passes the first few electric obstacles, but when it comes to the turn, one of the poles comes out of nowhere and hits electrocutes her in the thigh. She gets back up and flies into the dome where the slime shooters are. A few seconds later Jade flies out perfectly fine. 

"Nice job Jade," I say, "Thanks" Replies. "Although I messed up on the first turn," She says, "It was just one turn," Selina says, "Yeah, you did better than me," Maggie reminds her, still wiping off the slime. "Maggie you did fine" Jade tells her, "I guess," She replies. "Dahlia your turn" Red Tornado says as he finishes marking Jade's simulation. I nod my head and grab the belt. I wrap it around my waist and walk to the starting line of the simulator. 

"Ready, set, go!" He says and he starts the simulation. I fly through the first part avoiding the metal poles, and then I fly into the dome. I look around trying to locate where the slime shooters would be. Then the cameras and slime shooters appear. 

"Wow that is a lot of cameras," I say to myself, I dodge the slime shooters and fly to the end of the simulation. "Well done Dahlia," He says to me, and then starts marking my diagnostic. Suddenly the save the day alarm starts ringing. "Gianna and Giannis are attacking Capes and Cowls," Bianca informs us, "Let's go," I say. The girls get on their bikes or take off into the air.

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